One thing to note that all the code is under BSD-2 license except the assets. If you have Canva Pro account, then you can reuse the assets too. For the social assets, please refer to the rules of the specific product, for example for twitter, checkout their brand rules and youtube, you will need to check theirs etc.
I chose BSD-2 because Flutter uses BSD-2 too, could have chosen any license really. using Flutter Web. The repo is not configured for other platforms, if you test the navigation might fail.
From your terminal run flutter run -d chrome --web-renderer html
. We use the html renderer instead of the default canvas as canvas adds 2mb to the website.
From your terimal run flutter build web && cd build/web --web-renderer=html && (python -mSimpleHTTPServer &) && open http://localhost:8000/
. Feel free to change the port number as needed.
The builds are automatic from the master
branch. Netlify site gets a notification when a new commit is added to the master
branch and the following commands are run:
if cd flutter; then git pull && cd ..; else git clone; fi && flutter/bin/flutter config --enable-web && flutter/bin/flutter build web --release --web-renderer html;ls -l;cp netlify.toml build/web/netlify.toml;
So the command loads Flutter, builds the web release version, copies the netlify config and publishes build/web folder.