FWE is a specialized CAD system for creating draft designs of aerospace vessels. It's primary use is to define theoretical shapes of vessels and define general layout of their internal systems.
FWE is based around EVDS and IVSS simulation libraries, and will have built-in simulation support (scripted/defined with Lua). This CAD system is also used for entering data for FoxWorks Aerospace Simulator.
The primary modelling approach in FWE is creating 3D shapes as defined by a set of arbitrary cross-sections (circles, rectangles, polygons, bezier curves). It will be possible to export the entire model in a variety of different 3D formats.
The editor uses the EVDS file format for storing the vehicles, fully compatible with any application using EVDS for aerospace simulation.
- Determines physical parameters of the vessel in realtime during editing
All the dependencies should be downloaded automatically with the Git repository, otherwise use the following command to include submodules:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/FoxWorks/FWE.git
FoxWorks Editor requires Qt 4.8.5 to be compiled.
The build files and all required Qt files must be generated from scratch using Premake5 or Premake4.4:
cd support
premake4 vs2008
premake4 vs2010
premake4 gmake
premake4 evdsdoc
Use the generated sln
files under Windows. They will include all required
dependencies (which are present as submodules in repository).
Use makefiles under Linux or other platforms:
cd support/gmake