Abertay University - 3rd year module
Learn skills and techniques graphics programmable pipeline, shaders, vertex manipulation, post processing, tessellation, geometry generation on GPU, per pixel lighting including shadows etc
- Intro to Programmable Pipeline (Direct3D/X 11 and Shaders)
- Sending data to GPU. Textures and Transforms
- Geometry and non-geometry data
- Registers
- C++ and HLSL
- Sampler
- Types of textures, texture format, shader and loading.
- Lighting
- Lighting Recap (Directional, point and spotlight, ambient, diffuse and specular light; Per vertex ligthing and per pixel) & Vector Dot and Cross Product recap.
- Sending lighting data to the GPU
- Calculating lighting on the GPU
- Point Lights
- Lighting 2
- Specular (Phong, Blinn-Phong, Gaussian distribution & Beckman distribution methods)
- Attenuation
- Multiple Lights
- Physical base rendering (PBR)
- Normal Mapping
- Vertex Manipulation (Vertex Shader)
- Displacement Maps
- Deforming Surfaces - Creating dynamic surfaces
- Mesh Morphing
- Mesh Skinning - Animating Meshes
- Normal Recalculation
- Render to Texture & Orthographic Projections
- Shadow Mapping
- Post Processing (Blur, Ambient Occlusion...)
- Dynamic reflection
- Game Mechanics - Portal, in-game camera's
- Deferred Rendering
- Multi-pass rendering
- Post Processing using Render to Texture
- Post processing
- Multi pass rendering
- Blur (Box blur & Gaussian Blur)
- Other Post Processing effects.
- Camera effected: Motion blur, Glow, Bloom, Bokeh (Shallow depth of flied), Lens flare/distorsion...
- Colour filtering
- Chromatic aberration
- Tessellation
- Hull Shader
- Tessellator
- Domain Shader
- Depth Buffer and Shadow Maps
- Geometry Shader
- Compute Shader
- Weekly submitions as part of the lab work for each topic
- Final Project at the end of the semester (own construction)
Graphics programming with shaders final project. Includes the topics: Colour Shaders, Texturing, Lighting, Vertex Manipulation, Render to texture, post processing, tessellation, shadow maps and geometry shader.
WARNING - Project may need re-targeted to compile. Check the version of the Windows SDK.