You can download a synthesis of the results of the various contributions to the benchmark.
A new version of the LaTeX has been released ZIP archive
- Few style corrections to improve the readability of the tables : the only modified LaTeX file is
- Lid driven cavity tests: Correction of a typo concerning the suggested abscissas where the mid-line vertical velocity
should be reported. The correspondingdata/*.dat
files were updated
Old values | New values |
0.0 | |
0.0703 | |
0.0938 | |
0.2266 | |
0.5 | |
0.8594 | |
0.9453 | |
0.9609 | |
1.0 |
Nota bene: The ordinates where the mid-line horizontal velocity u
are unchanged
The template for preparing your benchmark contribution is now available in the ZIP archive. Instructions are given in the PDF Userguide.
Extended Deadline: January 31, 2017.
Due to the maximum number of allowed pages you may not be able to include all your results in the final PDF version of the proceedings. In this case, you will need to comment out some lines in the source LaTeX template.
However, you are kindly invited to send all the plain text files containing your results to the organisers. They could be very useful to perform comparisons between all the contributions.
Templates for all the results files (for any possible test case in the benchmark) ar provided in the subdirectory
in the archive. Please do not change the names of the files, nor their format. They should look as follows| mesh | errgu | ordgu | erru | ordu | errp | ordp | errdivu | orddivu | nuu | npu | nnzu | nnzp | nnzup | | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
with your results in each cell or a NaN
keyword if the data is not avaible.
You can change the order of the columns (but they should all be present in the file with the correct name). You can also remove or add some rows.
- In case of any problem with those instructions, in particular with the format imposed for the result
files, please contact the organisers.
- Some people have experienced problems with some of the 3D meshes due to the presence of unexpected
. The files have been corrected now - We now also provide the 3D meshes in the GMSH format
This benchmark aims at comparing the accuracy, robustness, complexity of modern finite volume methods on unstructured grids in the context of viscous incompressible flows computations (Stokes and/or Navier-Stokes equations).
It is proposed in the occasion of the Eighth Conference on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications - FVCA8 to be held in Lille (France) from June 12th to June 16th 2017.
All the necessary informations on the proposed test cases and the expected outputs are given in the PDF file
The 2D and 3D meshes are available in the Meshes folder. The formats of the mesh files are described in the
You can download the whole repository by clicking on the green button Clone or download above and then on Download ZIP (or you can git clone
the repository if you are using git)
The contributions to the benchmark will be published, after reviewing, in Springer proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics.
Any people who whishes to participate is strongly encouraged to contact the organizers