This repo acts as a log for my buildout of my laptop. As I add stuff or change settings, I log it here so pave & restores can go quickly in the future. Feel free to fork & customize to your liking.
More background info: BLOG: Rapid Complete Install / Reinstall OS X Like a Champ in Three-ish Hours
Do the following before paving the partition. This is to get the way I have things configured in the dock & menu bar back the way I want them.
Set up timestamped backup folder, {{PRIVATE_BACKUP}}, OneDrive (or similar) to copy things
Screenshot all installed apps
Screenshot OneDrive sync'd doclib's from MS Teams & save => {{PRIVATE_BACKUP}}
XCOPY the following => {{PRIVATE_BACKUP}}
NOTE: many of the hidden files & folders are copied as "dot-files"
- review other folders in the root
- Dump list of all repos in
- Dump list of all repos in
iStat Menu
- backup settings => ./AppSettings/iStat Menus Settings.ismp
refresh NPM global package install list: ./scripts/
$ npm list -g --depth=0
- export all collections & environments
- log batch export settings to ./AppSettings/Screenflow
Visual Studio Code
refresh installed extensions install list: ./scripts/
$ code --list-extensions
backup snippets & user settings to ./AppSettings/VisualStudioCode
- user settings:
~/Library/Application Support/Code/User
- user settings:
have a current Apple TimeMachine backup job finished
screenshots of Finder settings
screenshot MacOS dock
screenshot expanded Bartender MacOS Menu Bar
Launch each app and sync settings (PUSH) for:
- Media Encoder
- Photoshop
- Prelude
- Premiere Pro
Media Encoder:
- export all profiles: ./AppSettings/AdobeCreativeCloud/MediaEncoder
- export saved actions: ./AppSettings/AdobeCreativeCloud/Photoshop
Premiere Pro:
- export custom presets: ./AppSettings/AdobeCreativeCloud/PremierePro
Jump Desktop
export list of VMs => {{PRIVATE_BACKUP}}
Mac App Store apps
refresh list installed MacOS apps: ./scripts/
$ mas list
- restart with COMMAND+R
- when apple logo comes up... delete partition, NOT tiny partition (2nd listed)
- install MacOS via internet
The following installs & configuration should be done to setup automated installs.
Install Homebrew for automated installs & updates.
curl -L | sh
Install apps using Homebrew.
NOTE: Monitor the terminal for password prompts & errors/warnings.
curl -L | sh
Install apps from the Apple App Store.
curl -L | sh
Amphetamine Enhancer -
EpocCam Drivers for MacOS
- Available here:
- Also see {{PRIVATE_BACKUP}}/Installs
NOTE: need to connect to it on phone early on... takes a while for the first connection
- Install trial from site download
- Launch & license
Three step process:
- Get OneDrive & Google Chrome syncing to get access to backups, settings (in OneDrive), licenses & passwords in LastPass
- Configure command prompt
- Login, license, install, & configure remaining apps
- login to the following apps
- Google Chrome
- do this first & login to LastPass to get licenses
- Google-Drive
- OneDrive
- do this to get sync running... contains backup files collected before pave
- Google Chrome
- Visual Studio Code
install extensions collected before pave:
curl -L | sh
copy snippets & settings:
- from ./AppSettings/VisualStudioCode
- to
~/Library/Application Support/Code/User
apply licenses to extensions Quokka & Wallaby
Install ZSH, Oh My ZSH, iTerm & copy fonts & themes:
curl -L | sh
- iTerm
- import settings from ./AppSettings/iTerm
- apply custom bullet-train theme
- update
to specify the theme used:ZSH_THEME="bullet-train"
- update
- setup SSH keys
copy backed up
keys from {{PRIVATE_BACKUP}} =>./.ssh
configure SSH keys
# add key to SSH agent # + enter passphrase from LastPass when prompted ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa # add to keychain ssh-add -K # configure 'config' folder permissions sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- Activate power pack within app settings
- Preferences > Advanced: Syncing - set to ./{{PRIVATE-BACKUP}}/Alfred
iStat Settings
- license & restore settings: ./AppSettings/iStat Menus Settings.ismp
import shortcuts by opening Safari / Firefox & enter the url in ./AppSettings/
Jump Desktop
- import the machines from export before pave
Microsoft OneNote
- open notebooks to start sync
Microsoft Outlook
- get signatures from previous "sends"
Install Outlook Zoom plugin
brew cask install zoomus-outlook-plugin
Microsoft Teams
Private Internet Access
- Homebrew downloaded, but must be manually install by launching *.dmg. Likely location: /usr/local/Caskroom/private-internet-access/{{VERSION}}/*.dmg
- Login after installing
- license
- create custom batch export profile
- Launch & login
- Disable auto login: Preferences > Interface > [uncheck] Run Steam with my computer starts
Sublime Text
- add license
- package control
- install packages:
- BracketHighlighter
- Git
- Indent XML
- Markdown Preview
- MarkdownEditing
- Preference Helper
- Pretty JSON
- SnippetMaker
- SublimeCodeIntel
- Theme-Spacegray
- TypeScript
- View In Browser
- Update preferences from those in ./AppSettings/Sublime
- copy to
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text
- copy to
TechSmith SnagIt
- launch & login to get license
Visual Studio for Mac
- launch
- login with AzureAD account
- check & install updates
- license
- add instances of Microsoft Teams for each tenant
curl -L | sh
- Creative Cloud installs
- Acrobat DC
- After Effects 2020
- Audition 2020
- Bridge 2020
- Illustrator 2020
- Lightroom CC
- Media Encoder 2020
- Photoshop 2020
- Prelude 2020
- Premiere Pro 2020
- Import settings from the pre-pave section above on Adobe CC apps
Manage node installs using nvm... this lets me test different versions of node as well as avoid issue with having to use sudo
when installing packages globally.
curl -L | sh
Verify this is at the end of ~/.zshrc
$ . "/usr/local/opt/nvm/"
This script installs multiple Node versions:
curl -L | sh
Use the following to set the desired default version of Node:
nvm alias default stable
now install global packages for each version of node installed:
curl -L | sh
brew doctor
brew update
brew cleanup
brew cask cleanup
NOTE: This might already be done by copying the hidden ~./.gitconfig.
git config --global "Andrew Connell"
git config --global <insert primary email>
git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
# set VSCode as commit message editor & merge tool
git config --global core.editor "code -w"
git config --global merge.tool code
Desktop (change these settings by right-click desktop & pick Show View Options)
System Preferences
Mission Control
Internet Accounts
- install / add printers
Security > Privacy
- Activate & enable where necessary
Users & Groups / Login Items
- Clone select repositories from github =>
Run first backups.
to keep Homebrew installed things update, do this:
brew update # download app updated formulas
brew outdated # what's old?
brew upgrade # upgrade everything locally
# list all brew casks installed & their versions
brew cask outdated
brew cask upgrade
# cleanup everything
brew cleanup
update MacOS apps:
mas outdated # what's old
mas upgrade # upgrade everything
update MacOS: ref
softwareupdate --list
# install things based on the name returned using
sudo softwareupdate --install [name listed]