A simple to use .NET unit testing framework built on top of MSTest and Moq. It also includes built-in support for services that are injected using [AutoInject].
classes in version 3.0.0 and will instead rely on extension and utility methods to give you the tools to build
your own base Tester
classes that can implement whichever framework that you like. The current implementation using Moq and AutoFixture will likely be part of an
package and may become deprecated in version 4.0.0.
Eloquentest will also be separated into multiple packages supporting different frameworks such as Moq , NSubstitute, AutoFixture, etc.
Here is the dumbest service you can imagine.
public class DumbestServiceYouCanImagine
public string Format(int number)
return number == 0 ? "It's zero" : "It's not zero";
Here is the dumbest unit test for the dumbest service you can imagine.
public class DumbestServiceYouCanImagineTester : Tester<DumbestServiceYouCanImagine>
public void WhenNumberIsZero_ReturnItsZero()
var result = Instance.Format(0);
Assert.AreEqual("It's zero", result);
That's all well and good but what if your dumb service had dependencies to other services though?
public interface ISomeOtherService
public string UserId { get; }
public IReadOnlyList<int> Roles { get; }
public class DumbestServiceYouCanImagine
private readonly ISomeOtherService _someOtherService;
public DumbestServiceYouCanImagine(ISomeOtherService someOtherService)
_someOtherService = someOtherService;
public string DoSomeOtherStuff()
return _someOtherService.Roles.Contains(8) ?
$"User {_someOtherService.UserId} is authorized to do dumb stuff." :
$"User {_someOtherService.UserId} is strictly forbidden from doing dumb stuff!";
public class DumbestServiceYouCanImagineTester : Tester<DumbestServiceYouCanImagine>
public void WhenContainsRoleNumberEight_SayThatUserIsAuthorized()
var userId = Fixture.Create<string>();
GetMock<ISomeOtherService>().Setup(x => x.UserId).Returns(userId);
GetMock<ISomeOtherService>().Setup(x => x.Roles).Returns(new List<int> { 8 });
var result = Instance.DoSomeOtherStuff();
Assert.AreEqual($"User {userId} is authorized to do dumb stuff.", result);
public void WhenDoesNotContainRoleNumberEight_SayThatUserIsUnauthorized()
var userId = Fixture.Create<string>();
GetMock<ISomeOtherService>().Setup(x => x.UserId).Returns(userId);
GetMock<ISomeOtherService>().Setup(x => x.Roles).Returns(new List<int>());
var result = Instance.DoSomeOtherStuff();
Assert.AreEqual($"User {userId} is strictly forbidden from doing dumb stuff!", result);
//This Customization will be applied project-wide so you don't have to remember to add them yourself each time in TestInitialize
public class SomeCustomization : ICustomization
//Also works with ISpecimenBuilder
public class SomeSpecimenBuilder : ISpecimenBuilder
Ever wanted to test whichever item from a collection?
public void WhenYouWantWhichever_GetWhichever()
var list = Fixture.CreateMany<string>().ToList();
var something = Fixture.Create<Something>();
GetMock<ISomeShadyService>().Setup(x => x.GetSomething(list.GetRandom())).Returns(something);
var result = Instance.DoSomething(list);
You can also do the same thing but with the index only if that's what floats your boat.
var index = list.GetRandomIndex();
It’s all well and good but what if you want to use the generic Tester class while providing your own parameters to the tested class’ constructor instead of the automatically generated mocks and fixtures?
You can do that with the ConstructWith() method.
public class GameObjectFactory : IGameObjectFactory
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
public GameObjectFactory(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
public IGameObject Create(GameObjectConfiguration configuration) => new GameObject(_serviceProvider, configuration);
public record GameObjectConfiguration(string Name, Vector2<float> InitialPosition, Direction InitialDirection);
//The service provider is passed by the GameObjectFactory and is always the same reference
//Configuration is unique to every instance so we need to be able to override it if we want to test that things are correctly initialized
public GameObject(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, GameObjectConfiguration configuration)
_game = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IGame>();
Name = configuration.Name;
Position = configuration.InitialPosition;
Direction = configuration.InitialDirection;
public class GameObjectTester
public class Move : Tester<GameObject>
public void Always_ChangePosition()
var configuration = Fixture.Create<GameObjectConfiguration>();
//It is important to call ConstructWith before accessing the Instance property!
Instance.Move(new Vector2<float>(1, 0));
Instance.Position.Should().Be(configuration.InitialPosition + new Vector2<float>(1, 0));
Works just like Tester<T>
except that it automatically fills your Instance's public
and init
with values. Works in a lot of cases but you might want to stick with Tester<T>
for others.
The Eloquentest.Integration namespace (available on nuget.org as a separate package) provides tools to leverage MSTest to execute code without mocking all while using the Eloquentest structure and syntax you may already be familiar with.
IntegrationTester and IntegreationTester replace Tester and Tester and there are no mocks.
The Ensure
class comes with common test case helpers that would otherwise require you to write a lot of boilerplate code.
You can test string.IsNullOrEmpty
and string.IsNullOrWhitespace
cases using the following methods.
public void WhenDirectoryIsNullOrEmpty_Throw() => WhenIsNullOrEmpty(directory =>
var action = () => Instance.DeleteDirectory(directory);
public void WhenFilenameIsNullOrWhitespace_Throw() => WhenIsNullOrWhiteSpace(filename =>
var action = () => Instance.DeleteFile(filename);
These helper methods will execute your tests automatically using all cases of empty, null and white spaces without having to rely on [DataRow]
. The method above is the equivalent of this :
[DataRow(" ")]
public void WhenFilenameIsNullOrWhitespace_Throw(string filename)
var action = () => Instance.DeleteFile(filename);
You can test value equality using the following methods.
- All methods named
that have abool
return type and a single parameter - All
operators - All
public void EnsureValueEquality() => Ensure.ValueEquality<YourType>();
This method will automatically test all cases of equality and inequality for your type. Do note that it will not test equals methods that check equality with another unrelated type. You will still need to test those manually or use Ensure.Equality
and Ensure.Inequality
Tests that two objects are equal using the Equals
method, the ==
and !=
operators. This method is more granular than ValueEquality
and will only test equality between two specific objects using the aforementioned methods. This helps reduce unit test redundancy by not requiring you to write different tests for each method or equality operator.
public void Always_EnsureEqualityBetweenEquivalentObjects()
var obj1 = Fixture.Create<YourType>();
var obj2 = obj1.Clone();
Ensure.Equality(obj1, obj2);
Tests that two objects are not equal using the Equals
method, the ==
and !=
operators. It does the same thing as Equality
but for inequality.
public void Always_EnsureInequalityBetweenDifferentObjects()
var obj1 = Fixture.Create<YourType>();
var obj2 = Fixture.Create<YourType>();
Ensure.Inequality(obj1, obj2);
Tests that two equivalent instances of the same type produce the same hash code and that two different instances of the same type produce different hash codes.
public void EnsureConsistentHashCode() => Ensure.ConsistentHashCode<YourType>();
Eloquentest comes with a few customizations and specimen builders for base .NET types that AutoFixture does not support by default such as :
- System.Version
- System.IFormatProvider
- System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableList
- System.Collections.Generic.Stack
As long as you use Tester
as a base class for your tests, these customizations will be automatically applied to your Fixture
It works right out of the box if you already use AutoInject in your regular code.
1.0.X -> 1.1.X GetRandom and GetRandomIndex methods have been removed from Eloquentest. Please import and use ToolBX.OPEX from nuget.org instead.
2.0.X -> 2.1.0
was addded. There have been minor changes in when things are instantiated which may affect some users in Tester
and Tester<T>