Reproduce all functionality that exists with the current paper bike binder and departed bikes binder system.
For development:
bundle install --without production
For production:
bundle install
Run setup rake task:
bundle exec rake setup
- Database settings
- Edit the config/database.yml file with correct parameters
- SMTP settings
- Edit the config/application/mailer_config.rb file with correct settings
Create the db, load schema and seed
bundle exec rake db:setup
(After the first clone and after updates to the database or gems are pulled)
bundle exec rake populate
Troubleshooting failing tests. If most tests are failing, you may need to setup the test database.
bundle exec rake db:test_setup
(After preparing the application for development)
bundle exec guard
Keep a summary in the README file
Keep these in the doc/ directory
Generating ERD images using railroady (
bundle exec erd --polymorphism=true --filename=doc/erd
Diagram state machines
rake state_machine:draw FILE=bike.rb CLASS=Bike
Non-destructively seed what is necessary to get the application running
Can be used to update a running application to additions made to the database
rake db:seed
Destructive seeding that resets the database structure and loads demo data
Existing data will be lost when the database is reset
Guarantees the database has the proper structure (good for development, especially if the strucuture is changing during development)
rake db:populate
In order to get a functional prototype running, we need to adhere to a limit scope. We can add features later. If a feature is desired, but not in scope, it can be added to the outside scope list.
- Bike info sheet: Location, Characteristic (Size, mfg, model, color), Notes, Value, Departure & Arrival Dates
- Youth projects sheet: Program name, State (Active/inactive)
- Bike location tracking: Hook associations to bikes
- Bike info sheet: Location, Some characteristic, Notes, Departure Dates
- Youth projects sheet: Program name, State (Active/inactive), Inspection
- Bike location tracking: Hook associations to bikes
- Bike state
- Safety inspection
- Project progress
- Youth Project: repair log
- Hook: hook lookup
- Bike info sheet: Characteristic (Size, mfg, model, color), Value, Arrival Date
- User permissions
- Searching & filtering: bikes, hooks, projects
- Bike demographics (replacing hand-typed characteristics with suggestions or other databased backed data entry)
While we do not have an official guideline for the UI, I want feedback and suggestions to go here. I will start listing ideas and notes I have about what will keep our interface uncluttered and what will make it intuitive and easy to use.
- standardize visual elements to represent different interactions with the bike binder. eg, a blue underline link represents a Navigational action such as going to the Bikes index page.
- rounded buttons represent actions that have to to with creating and editing data eg, The Submit Note, Create New Bike buttons represent instantiating new comment or bike objects
- use icons effectively. We want them to help guide the user experience and not act only as eye candy. eg, a blue, underlined anchor may represent an action that manipulates data, so an icon can cue the user of the extra option. See one in use on the single bike overview page.
- sensible color scheme. Bootstrap is too minimalist.
- visual diagrams/photos demonstrating bike measurement jargon?
- display the bike color when rendering a bike view
- bike/freeride branding elements? bike with wings logo faded in background of header on certain pages?
- The existing routes and controllers will provide mobile functionality in addition to standard functionality
- Mobile-only urls will not be used
- Users will explicitly indicate if they want to use the mobile version
- Screen size will be the criteria for detecting mobile
- When mobile is detected, the usr will be given the suggestion to use the mobile version
- A user's preference will be stored in the session
- Unsupported javascript and client-dependent features should fall-back to more standard alternatives.
- Some mobile devices will rely on the fall back features, but others may not need to fall-back
- All of the necessary features and interactions to be able to successfully user the application for youth projects.
- UI elements to search the site; lookup of bikes & hooks; browse for bikes based on parameters
- Ability to sort filter and get basic reports for bikes and projects;
- Bike demographic data implemented to assist with searching/sorting/filtering
- Intuitive (and instructional) interface for entering new bikes
- Youth, Earn-a-bike, Fix-for-sale, Scrap, As-is purchases
- Inspections customized for each project
- Role based authorization for each project type as needed
- Help pages and documentation to guide users on how to interact with the application
- Mechanism implemented to provide user roles
- Locks in place to require different role based authorization
- Roles and authorization to allow application to go live without risk to data being corrupt
- Site is live and in-use
- Infrastructure support for: Back-ups and restore; Monitoring & notifying system status; Admin functionality to fix problems/take care of unexpected issues
- Record and display history of edits, projects, etc.
- Reporting of bike and project statistics
- Export of data via XML, CSV or EXCEL
(c) 2012 Free Ride Bicycle Project, See license for details