When I was self-learning CUDA programming, I found that it is necessary to work under an environment that manages and compiles the kernels efficiently. So I built up this repository under the inspiration of several other repositories on github, especially SGEMM_CUDA.
To efficiently develop, test and benchmark kernerls over different tasks, the project contains multiple similar folders under the root directory, each corresponding to a computational task (gemm, reduce, etc..).
The usage of API is common between these tasks, so in the following sections, task
will refer to any task implemented in this project. To explain the usage clearly, the GEMM example is also displayed for each API.
Currently implemented tasks include [gemm
, reduce
], and task
should be one of them.
To compile, run the following commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make [task]
If you want to generate kernels on GEMM matrix multiplication, then run
make gemm
to generate an executable file gemm
that contains all the compiled GEMM Cuda kernels.
To display the list of all valid kernels along with their ids:
./[task] --list-kernels
Valid kernels should be registered in the list registered_kernel
of /config.h
under the task folder.
To list all the implemented GEMM kernels, run
./gemm --list-kernels
The output looks like
Kernel 0: cublas
Kernel 1: naive
Kernel 2: global_memory_coalescing
Kernel 3: shared_memory_cache_blocking
Kernel 4: 1D_block_tiling
Kernel 5: 2D_block_tiling
Kernel 6: vectorized_2D_block_tiling
Kernel 7: double_buffering
Kernel 8: bank_conflict_avoiding
Kernel 9: warp_tiling
In this code repository, we provide feature for testing the correctness and performance(latency) for all tasks.
The correctness check will compare the output of written kernel against the correct result obtained from naive method. Only after passing the correctness check, the performance check will profile the latency and related metric (GFLOPS for compute-bound kernel/bandwitdth for IO-bound kernel) through triggering the kernel for multiple times.
To do the tests, first set the input sizes in file [task]/config.h
, and compile again.
Then, dependent on whether you want to test the correctness and performance on all kernels or one of them:
To run tests on all implemented kernels, execute
DEVICE=[device_id] ./[task]
Here the device_id of gpu is 0 by default.
To run tests on one specific kerenel, execute
DEVICE=[device_id] ./[task] [kernel_idx]
Here the kernel_idx should be valid. The idx of each kernel can be looked through --list-kernels
To test on GEMM kernels, first modify the mnk_list
variable under gemm/config.h
. mnk_list
contains the sizes of tested matrices. Then do the compilation.
If all GEMM kernels are tested, execute
DEVICE=[device_id] ./gemm
If a specific GEMM kerenel is tested, execute
DEVICE=[device_id] ./gemm [kernel_idx]
Sometimes we only want to trigger a kernel once. In such cases, you can trigger the kernel once through sending a --once
flag and the sizes of inputs:
DEVICE=[device_id] ./[task] --once [kernel_idx] [Input Size Arguments]
The number of arguments for input sizes might vary in different tasks. In gemm task, three arguments are needed to describe the sizes of input matrices: M
, N
, K
. However in reduce task, only the length N
of input array is needed.
Trigger a GEMM kernel once:
DEVICE=[device_id] ./gemm --once [kernel_idx] [M] [N] [K]
When using nsight compute to profile a kernel, just run following command:
DEVICE=[device_id] ncu -o profile ./gemm --once [kernel_idx] [M] [N] [K]
First move into the build directory, and run profiling on all kernels:
cd ./build
DEVICE=[device_id] ./[task] > result.log
Then move to the root directory of repository, execute
pip install -r requirements.txt
python [task]/plot_results.py --log_path ./build/result.log --plot_path [OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]/benchmark_result.png
Then the plot should appear at the given output path.
After moving to the root directory of repo, the following script first profiles all the GEMM kernels, and then plots the result as file benchmark_result.png
under current folder.
cd ./build
DEVICE=0 ./gemm > result.log
cd ..
pip install -r requirements.txt
python gemm/plot_results.py --log_path ./build/result.log --plot_path ./benchmark_result.png
This framework supports flexible addition of newly implemented kernels. Here we focus on the addtion of new GEMM kernels.
Suppose the name of new kernel is kenrel_x
, and the cuda header file containing the implementation is kernel_x.cuh
Step 1: Put the kernel_x.cuh
under the folder gemm/kernels
Step 2: Include kernel_x.cuh
in gemm/kernels.cuh
Step 3: In gemm/runner.cuh
, add a new runner function run_kernel_x_gemm
that launches the kernel properly.
Step 4: In gemm/runner.cuh
, register the new kernel in function run_kernel
by inserting following codes:
bool run_kernel(...) {
if (kernel == "kernel_x") {
run_kernel_x_gemm(A, B, C, m, n, k);
valid_kernel = true;
Step 5: In gemm/configs.h
, register the new kernel through appending "kernel_x" to the list registered_kernel
Now you can trigger the kernel through the methods described above.
For other tasks, the method of adding kernel is similar since the folder structure is the same.
Results of each kernel running GEMM in different sizes (from 128 to 16384) on NVIDIA Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB with 16.4 TFLOPS computing capacity:
The following are each kernel's performance of running 4096x4096 GEMM on Nvidia Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB:
Idx | Kernel | GFLOPs/s | Performance relative to cuBLAS |
1 | Naive | 228.7 |
1.77% |
2 | Global Memory Coalescing | 1812.6 |
14.05% |
3 | Shared Memory Cache Blocking | 4045.3 |
31.40% |
4 | 1D Block Tiling | 7399.9 |
57.36% |
5 | 2D Block Tiling | 9571.4 |
74.20% |
6 | Vectorized 2D Block Tiling | 11228.9 |
87.05% |
7 | Double Buffering | 11722.1 |
90.87% |
8 | Bank Conflict Avoiding | 12025.9 |
93.23% |
9 | Warp Tiling | 12498.6 |
96.89% |
0 | cuBLAS | 12899.8 |
100.00% |
Results of running reduction kernels on different input array lengths (from 1e6 to 1e8) on NVIDIA Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB:
The following are each kernel's performance of reducing 1e8 length array on Nvidia Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB with 1134 GB/s bandwidth:
Idx | Kernel | Bandwidth(GB/s) | Utility of Bandwidth |
0 | Baseline | 300.0 |
26.46% |
1 | Shared Memory | 347.5 |
30.64% |
2 | Multiple Add | 967.29 |
85.30% |
3 | Warp Unrolling | 974.55 |
85.94% |
4 | Warp Shuffle Down | 977.69 |
86.22% |
Matrix Multiplication Background User's Guide
Optimizing Parallel Reduction in Cuda
SGEMM_CUDA by siboehm (This tutorial is really awesome!)
cuda-sgemm-optimization by yanglinzhuo
Cuda Learning Material by ifromeast