Language does not yet support desired functionality
May cause existing user code to break. Requires a minor or major release.
Improvements or additions to documentation
This standard is currently in draft. Experimentation and feedback is encouraged.
This issue or pull request already exists
Extra attention is needed
Features that require an RFC before proceeding with an implementation
Label used to filter for the introduction of a new standard
Further information is requested
General repository upkeep
Label used to filter for the standard issue
Label used to filter for the standard issue
Label used to filter for the standard issue
Label used to filter for the standard issue
Label used to filter for the standard issue
Label used to filter for the standard issue
Label used to filter for the standard issue
Label used to filter for the standard issue
Label used to filter for the standard issue
Label used to filter for the standard issue
Label used to filter for the standard issue
Label used to filter for the standard issue