Source code for a Movie Trailer website.
This program requires Pythin 2.7 to be installed. Get it here.
To summerise the instructions in one line:
Download, extract, run
If you need further instructions, don't worry- just keep reading.
First download these files by clicking the green button on GitHub that says
Clone or download, then click Download Zip.
Next, you'll need to extract the zip file you downloaded. It will be named
- Open Windows Explorer (or any folder) and browse to the location you downloaded to.
- Right-click and then left-click "Extract All...". (A new window will pop up that says "Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders" at the top.)
- Click the button that says "Extract" at the bottom. This will make a new folder called ud036_StarterCode (without the .zip at the end).
- You can now delete the .zip folder as it is no longer needed.
- Open the ud036_StartCode folder.
At this point you can either double-click to run the program or right-click and choose "Edit with IDLE". From within IDLE, click "Run", then "Run Module", or use the hotkey F5.
- Open The Finder and search for ud036_StarterCode or browse to where you downloaded it.
- Select the zip file and click "Unzip" at the top center of The Finder window. (If you don't see "Unzip"), then...
- Right-click the file
- left-click "Open With...",
- left-click "Archive Utility".
At this point you can either double-click to run the program or right-click and choose "Edit with IDLE". From within IDLE, click "Run", then "Run Module", or use the hotkey F5.
- Open Terminal.
- Navigate to the directory where you downloaded or cloned ud036_StarterCode. (Use cd to change directory and ls or dir to list what's in your current directory.)
- Once your in the ud036_StarterCode directory, just type "" to run the program.
Alternatively, you can type "idle2.7" to open IDLE's GUI interface,
then click file, open file.
Browse to where you downloaded ud036_StarterCode, then select the file
To run the program from IDLE, click "Run", then "Run Module",
or use the hotkey F5. defines six instances of Movie class found in and initiates them with a movie title, storyline, poster image url, and youtube movie trailer url. Then creates an array called movies with the six Movie instance names and passes it as an argument to a function called open_movies_page in creates fresh_tomatoes.html to show the six movies poster image, title, and when clicked plays the youtube movie trailer. was provided by Udacity and forked from this repository.
MIT Licesne found here