#PS/2 - USB Mouse ##Keyboard Edition
This take input from a PS/2 keyboard and uses it to act as a USB mouse.
###Libraries PS/2 Keyboard reading https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_PS2Keyboard.html
Emulating USB Mouse https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-Trinket-USB
###Hardware This project uses a Trinket from Adafruit for the main system. It could easily be built with just an ATTiny85 and some basic parts if you wish, I don't have those details. The keyboard must be a PS/2 compatible one in order to send the data that this system expects.
Look up a PS/2 connector diagram online or at the site of the library listed above. Connect as below:
PS/2 | Trinket |
Power | 5V |
Ground | Gnd |
Clock | #2 |
Data | #0 |
The Trinket takes care of the USB connector for us using pins #3 and #4, so no work needed there.
###Usage Upload the code to your trinket. You should see a USB disconnect followed by a connect once it's online a moment later. The following table has the keys and their actions listed.
Speed is defaulted to 10 pixels
Key | Action |
[up] | Move mouse up by Speed |
[down] | Move mouse down by Speed |
[left] | Move mouse left by Speed |
[right] | Move mouse right by Speed |
a | Click left mouse button |
s | Click middle mouse button |
d | Click right mouse button |
0 | Set Speed to 1 pixel |
1 | Set Speed to 10 pixels (default) |
[2-9] | Set Speed to 10 X number pixels |
[enter] | Toggle clicking left mouse button as fast as possible |