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l Managing Admins

Ross Scroggs edited this page Nov 16, 2024 · 1 revision

Grant a User an Admin Role


gam create admin <user> <role> customer|org_unit <OU> [condition securitygroup|nonsecuritygroup]

Grants the given user account rights as the given admin role. The command must specify whether the rights are to be granted to the entire customer G Suite domain or to a certain org_unit and it's children org unit's. Note that some roles cannot be granted to org units, they must specify customer. The optional argument condition limits the conditions for delegate admin access. This currently only works with the _GROUPS_EDITOR_ROLE and _GROUPS_READER_ROLE roles. Condition can be to limit the delegated admin to managing security groups (securitygroup) or to non-security groups (nonsecuritygroup).


This example makes [email protected] a super admin

gam create admin [email protected] _SEED_ADMIN_ROLE customer

This example makes [email protected] a helpdesk admin for the /NY Org Unit.

gam create admin [email protected] _HELP_DESK_ADMIN_ROLE org_unit "NY"

This example allows [email protected] to manage only groups that are NOT marked as security groups:

gam create admin [email protected] _GROUPS_EDITOR_ROLE customer condition nonsecuritygroup

Delete a User's Admin Role


gam delete admin <role assignment id>

Removes an admin role assignment. Use Print All Admins to see existing assignments, you're looking for the roleAssignmentId column. You can also use CSV commands to revoke all rights for a given user.


This example revokes the given user's admin role.

gam delete admin 8771356963373081

This example revokes ALL admin role assignments for the [email protected] user account.

gam print admins user [email protected] | gam csv - gam delete admin ~roleAssignmentId

Print All Admins


gam print admins [user <user>] [role <role>] [condition] [todrive]

Prints all admin role assignments in the G Suite instance. Note that one user account can be assigned multiple roles and can be assigned one role on multiple orgs so a single user may be returned in multiple rows.

The optional user argument limits returned role assignments to those granted to the given user.

The optional role argument limits returned role assignments to those of the given role.

The optional condition argument displays any conditions associated with a role assignment.

The optional todrive argument tells GAM to create a Google Docs Spreadsheet instead of outputting the results to CSV.


This example prints out all admin role assignments

gam print admins

This example prints out all admin role assignments for [email protected]

gam print admins user [email protected]

This example prints out all super admin role assignments

gam print admins role _SEED_ADMIN_ROLE

Print All Admin Roles


gam print roles [todrive]

Prints all admin roles created within the G Suite Instance. The optional argument todrive causes GAM to create a Google Docs Spreadsheet of results instead of outputting CSV.


This example creates a spreadsheet of all admin roles for a domain.

gam print roles todrive

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