Public Benefits Studio's Document Extractor to automate document data extraction with AI and OCR.
Using your browser of choice, navigate to the CloudFront distribution URL to start using.
The requirements needed to deploy are...
You can mimic the steps in our Continuous Delivery GitHub Action.
The basic steps to accomplish this are...
- Build the backend.
- Build the frontend.
- Deploy using the Infrastructure as Code (IaC).
To build the backend, execute...
cd ./backend/
uv sync
uv run
The built artifact is backend/dist/
To build the frontend, execute...
cd ./ui/
npm ci
npm run build
The built artifact is in ui/dist/
The additional requirements needed to contribute towards development are...
To be implemented.
We use pre-commit
to run some hooks on every commit. These
hooks do linting to ensure things are in a good spot before a commit is made. Please install pre-commit
and then
install the hooks.
pre-commit install
Most of the time any errors encountered by pre-commit are automatically fixed. Run git status
to see the fixed files,
run git add .
to add the fixes, and rerun the commit. You will need to manually fix any errors that are not
automatically fixed.