Remix Domains helps you decouple your business logic from your Remix actions and loaders. With first-class type inference from end to end.
It does this by enforcing the parameters' types in runtime (through zod schemas) and always wrapping results (even exceptions) into a Promise<Result<Output>>
- Benefits
- Quickstart
- Create your first action with Remix
- Taking parameters that are not user input
- Dealing with errors
- Combining domain functions
- Extracting input values for domain functions
- Improve type inference with Utility Types
- Resources
- Acknowlegements
- End-to-End typesafety all the way from the Backend to the UI
- Keep your Remix Actions and Loaders slim and tidy
- Removes the plumbing of extracting and parsing structured data from your Requests
- Keep your domain functions decoupled from the framework, with the assurance that your values conform to your types
- Easier to test and maintain business logic
- Business Logic can be expressed in the type system
npm i remix-domains zod
import { makeDomainFunction, inputFromForm } from 'remix-domains'
import * as z from 'zod'
const schema = z.object({ number: z.preprocess(Number, z.number()) })
const increment = makeDomainFunction(schema)(async ({ number }) => number + 1)
const result = await increment({ number: 1 })
result = {
success: true,
data: 2,
errors: []
inputErrors: []
environmentErrors: []
const failedResult = await increment({ number: 'foo' })
failedResult = {
success: false,
inputErrors: [{ path: ['number'], message: 'Expected number, received nan' }],
environmentErrors: []
errors: [],
To understand how to build the schemas, refer to Zod documentation.
import type { ActionFunction } from 'remix'
import { useActionData, redirect } from 'remix'
import { makeDomainFunction, inputFromForm } from 'remix-domains'
import * as z from 'zod'
const schema = z.object({ number: z.preprocess(Number, z.number()) })
const increment = makeDomainFunction(schema)(({ number }) => number + 1)
export const action: ActionFunction = async ({ request }) => {
const result = await increment(await inputFromForm(request))
if (!result.success) return result
return redirect('/')
export default function Index() {
const actionData = useActionData()
return (
<Form method="post">
<input name="number" type="number" />
{actionData.inputErrors && (
<span role="alert">{actionData.inputErrors[0].message}</span>
<button type="submit">
Sometimes you want to ensure the safety of certain values that weren't explicitly sent by the user. We call them environment:
// In some app/domain/*.server.ts file
const sendEmail = makeDomainFunction(
z.object({ email: z.string().email() }), // user input schema
z.object({ origin: z.string() }) // environment schema
async ({ email }, { origin }) => {
message: `Link to reset password: ${origin}/reset-password`
// In your Remix action:
export const action = async ({ request }) => {
const environment = (request: Request) => ({
origin: new URL(request.url).origin,
await sendResetToken(
await inputFromForm(request),
We usually use the environment for ensuring authenticated requests.
In this case, assume you have a currentUser
function that returns the authenticated user:
const dangerousFunction = makeDomainFunction(
z.object({ user: z.object({ id: z.string(), admin: z.literal(true) }) })
)(async (input, { user }) => {
// do something that only the admin can do
The error result has the following structure:
type ErrorResult = {
success: false
errors: { message: string }[]
inputErrors: SchemaError[]
environmentErrors: SchemaError[]
Where inputErrors
and environmentErrors
will be the errors from parsing the corresponding Zod schemas and errors
will be for any exceptions thrown inside the domain function:
const alwaysFails = makeDomainFunction(input, environment)(async () => {
throw new Error('Some error')
const failedResult = await alwaysFails(someInput)
failedResult = {
success: false,
errors: [{ message: 'Some error' }],
inputErrors: [],
environmentErrors: [],
Or you can throw an InputError
whenever you want a custom input error that cannot be generated by your schema.
const alwaysFails = makeDomainFunction(input, environment)(async () => {
throw new InputError('Email already taken', 'email')
const failedResult = await alwaysFails(someInput)
failedResult = {
success: false,
errors: [],
inputErrors: [{ message: 'Email already taken', path: ['email'] }],
environmentErrors: [],
The same can be done for environment errors by throwing an EnvironmentError
To improve DX when dealing with errors we do export a couple of utilities.
Given a array of SchemaError
be it from inputErrors
or environmentErrors
and a name, it returns a list of error messages with that name in their path.
const result = {
success: false,
errors: [],
inputErrors: [],
environmentErrors: [{ message: 'Must not be empty', path: ['host'] }, { message: 'Must be a fully qualified domain', path: ['host'] }]
errorMessagesFor(result.inputErrors, 'email') === null
errorMessagesFor(result.environmentErrors, 'host').message === 'Must not be empty'
Given a array of SchemaError
be it from inputErrors
or environmentErrors
and a Zod Schema, it returns an object with a list of error messages for each key in the schema shape.
const schema = z.object({ email: z.string().nonEmpty(), password: z.string().nonEmpty() })
const result = {
success: false,
errors: [],
inputErrors: [{ message: 'Must not be empty', path: ['email'] }, { message: 'Must be a string', path: ['email'] }, { message: 'Must not be empty', path: ['password'] }],
environmentErrors: []
errorForSchema(result.inputErrors, schema)
email: ['Must not be empty', 'Must be a string'],
password: ['Must not be empty']
It creates a single domain function out of multiple domain functions. It will pass the same input and environment to all given functions. The resulting data is going to be a tuple of the results of each function only when all functions are successful.
const a = makeDomainFunction(z.object({ id: z.number() }))(async ({ id }) => String(id))
const b = makeDomainFunction(z.object({ id: z.number() }))(async ({ id }) => id + 1)
const c = makeDomainFunction(z.object({ id: z.number() }))(async ({ id }) => Boolean(id))
const results = await all(a, b, c)({ id: 1 })
On the exemple above, the result will be of type Result<[string, number, boolean]>
success: true,
data: ['1', 2, true],
errors: [],
inputErrors: [],
environmentErrors: [],
If one or more of the functions fails, the errors will be concatenated:
const a = makeDomainFunction(z.object({ id: z.number() }))(async () => {
throw new Error('Error A')
const b = makeDomainFunction(z.object({ id: z.number() }))(async () => {
throw new Error('Error B')
const results = await all(a, b)({ id: 1 })
success: false,
errors: [{ message: 'Error A' }, { message: 'Error B' }],
inputErrors: [],
environmentErrors: [],
It creates a single domain function out of a composition of multiple domain functions. It will pass the same environment to all given functions and pass the output of one to the next's input in left-to-right order. The resulting data is going to be the output of the rightmost function.
Note that there is no type-level assurance (yet) that one function output will be succesfully parsed by the next function in the pipeline.
const a = makeDomainFunction(z.object({ aNumber: z.number() }))(
async ({ aNumber }) => ({
aString: String(aNumber),
const b = makeDomainFunction(z.object({ aString: z.string() }))(
async ({ aString }) => ({
aBoolean: aString == '1',
const c = makeDomainFunction(z.object({ aBoolean: z.boolean() }))(
async ({ aBoolean }) => !aBoolean,
const d = pipe(a, b, c)
const result = await d({ aNumber: 1 })
On the exemple above, the result will be of type Result<boolean>
success: true,
data: false,
errors: [],
inputErrors: [],
environmentErrors: [],
If one functions fails, the execution will halt and the error returned.
It creates a single domain function that will apply a transformation over the
of a successful DomainFunction
When the given domain function fails, its error is returned wihout changes.
The resulting data is going to be the output of the second argument.
This could be useful when composing domain functions to align their types:
const fetchAsText = makeDomainFunction(z.object({ userId: z.number() }))(
({ userId }) =>
fetch(`${String(userId)}`).then((r) =>
const fullName = makeDomainFunction(
z.object({ first_name: z.string(), last_name: z.string() }),
)(async ({ first_name, last_name }) => `${first_name} ${last_name}`)
const fetchFullName = pipe(
map(fetchAsText, ({ data }) => data),
const result = fetchFullName({ userId: 2 })
On the exemple above, the result will be of type Result<string>
and tis value something like:
success: true,
data: 'Janet Weaver',
errors: [],
inputErrors: [],
environmentErrors: [],
It creates a single domain function that will apply a transformation over the ErrorResult
of a failed DomainFunction
When the given domain function suceeds, its result is returned wihout changes.
This could be useful when adding any layer of error handling. In the example bellow we are discarding the contents of the errors but keeping a tally of how many there were:
const increment = makeDomainFunction(z.object({ id: z.number() }))(
async ({ id }) => id + 1,
const summarizeErrors = (result: ErrorData) =>
errors: [{ message: 'Number of errors: ' + result.errors.length }],
inputErrors: [
{ message: 'Number of input errors: ' + result.inputErrors.length },
environmentErrors: [
{ message: 'Number of environment errors: ' + result.environmentErrors.length },
} as ErrorData)
const incrementWithErrorSummary = mapError(increment, summarizeErrors)
const result = await incrementWithErrorSummary({ invalidInput: '1' })
On the exemple above, the result
will be:
success: false,
errors: [{ message: 'Number of errors: 0' }],
inputErrors: [{ message: 'Number of input errors: 1' }],
environmentErrors: [{ message: 'Number of environment errors: 0' }],
We export some functions to help you extract values out of your requests before sending them as user input.
Extracts values sent in a request through the FormData
as an object of values:
// Given the following form:
function Form() {
return (
<form method="post">
<input name="email" value="[email protected]" />
<input name="password" value="1234" />
<button type="submit">
export const action = async ({ request }) => {
const values = await inputFromForm(request)
// values = { email: '[email protected]', password: '1234' }
Extracts a structured objecto from a FormData
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('email', '[email protected]')
formData.append('tasks[]', 'one')
formData.append('tasks[]', 'two')
const values = inputFromFormData(formData)
// values = { email: '[email protected]', tasks: ['one', 'two'] }
Extracts values sent in a request through the URL as an object of values:
// Given the following form:
function Form() {
return (
<form method="get">
<button name="page" value="2">
Change URL
export const action = async ({ request }) => {
const values = inputFromUrl(request)
// values = { page: '2' }
Extracts a structured object from a URLSearchParams
const qs = new URLSearchParams()
qs.append('colors[]', 'red')
qs.append('colors[]', 'green')
qs.append('colors[]', 'blue')
const values = inputFromSearch(qs)
// values = { colors: ['red', 'green', 'blue'] }
All of the functions above will parse the input using qs
, thus allowing structured data as follows:
// Given the following form:
function Form() {
return (
<form method="post">
<input name="numbers[]" value="1" />
<input name="numbers[]" value="2" />
<input name="person[0][email]" value="[email protected]" />
<input name="person[0][password]" value="1234" />
<button type="submit">
export const action = async ({ request }) => {
const values = await inputFromForm(request)
values = {
numbers: ['1', '2'],
person: [{ email: '[email protected]', password: '1234' }]
To better understand how to structure your data, refer to qs documentation
It infers the returned data of a successful domain function:
const fn = makeDomainFunction()(async () => '')
type Data = UnpackData<typeof fn>
// Data = string
It infers the success result of a domain function:
const fn = makeDomainFunction()(async () => '')
type Success = UnpackSuccess<typeof fn>
// Success = { success: true, data: string, errors: [], inputErrors: [], environmentErrors: [] }
// Which is the same as: SuccessResult<string>
It infers the result of a domain function:
const fn = makeDomainFunction()(async () => '')
type Result = UnpackResult<typeof fn>
Result =
| { success: true, data: string, errors: [], inputErrors: [], environmentErrors: [], }
| { success: false, errors: { message: string }[], inputErrors: SchemaError[], environmentErrors: SchemaError[] }
* Which is the same as:
* Which is the same as:
SuccessResult<string> | ErrorResult
We are grateful for Zod as it is a great library and informed our design. It's worth mentioning two other projects that inspired remix domains: