Scheduling outing app. Users can set dates that they are available and app will find a time/day that everyone/most people are available
- Category: Social Networking
- Mobile: This app would be primarily developed for mobile but would perhaps be just as viable on a computer in the future.
- Story: Find the time and day that everyone/most people are available for an event.
- Market: Any individual could choose to use this app.
- Habit: This app could be used as often or unoften as the user wanted depending on event frequency.
- Scope: Start with only schduleing feature. May expanded to a somewhat larger scope including Chat system in the future version.
Required Must-have Stories
- Login/Sign Up page - User logs in to app if they have an account, otherwise they will sign up for an account.
- Add a friend - user can add a friend to contact list
- User can add availability
- User can create event
- User can edit event
- User can delete event
- User can view all events
- User can view overlapping available times for everybody/most people
- Users in same event can chat together
Optional Nice-to-have Stories
- Reschedule events from a “past events” list
- Chat system for each event
- Login/Signup - User signs up or logs into their account
- Friend list
- Add a friend button
- Can remove friends
- See friend requests
- Events list
- Create an event button
- See incoming event requests after tapping on a different button?
- Can edit and delete events
- Event detail screen after tapping on an event in the list
- Can use Google Maps to add event location
- (Optional) Sorting/searching list
- Profile
- User can see profile
- User can logout
- User can naviage to friends list
Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)
- Login/signup activity
- Main Activity com.herbert.gathr_ly.fragments
- Events List as default fragment
- Friends List
- Event detail activity
Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)
- Login Screen/Sign up screen => Event list
- Create event button on event list => Create event screen
- Create event screen => Event List
- Create friend button on friend list => Create friend screen
- Create event => google maps screen
- Google maps screen => create event
- Create event => event list
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:
GIF created with [LiceCap]( GIF created with [LiceCap]( GIF created with [LiceCap]( GIF created with [LiceCap]([Add picture of your hand sketched wireframes in this section]
Property | Type | Description |
objectId | Int | unique id for each event (default field) |
Events Name | String | name of the event |
Events Details | String | description of the event |
Events Location | String | location of the event |
Events Time | DateTime | when this event happens |
Author | Pointer to User | who create this event |
Participations | Pointer to User | who participate this event |
createdAt | DateTime | date when post is created (default field) |
updatedAt | DateTime | date when post is last updated (default field) |
- Home Page *(READ/GET) Query all events that the user involves in.
- New Event Page *(CREATE/POST) Create new event
- Profile *(READ/GET) Query logged in user object
- Friend Page *(READ/POST) Query friends(user object) the logged in user have
- New Friend Page *(CREATE/POST) Add new friend