poetry run cellveyor --spreadsheet-directory \
/home/gkapfham/working/data/gradebook/2023 --spreadsheet-file
CMPSC-203-Fall-2023-Gradebook.xlsx \
--sheet-name Main \
--key-attribute "Student GitHub" \
--key-value "gkapfham" \
--column-regexp "^(Summary Grade|Final Grade) .*$" \
--feedback-regexp "Summary Grade 1 - Feedback" \
--feedback-file /home/gkapfham/working/teaching/
github-classroom/feedback/all/feedback.yml \
--feedback-file /home/gkapfham/working/teaching/github-classroom/feedback/
developer-development/feedback-overall-course-assessment.yml \
--github-token <Private GitHub Acess Token> \
--github-organization Allegheny-Computer-Science-203-F2023 \
--github-repository-prefix computer-science-203-fall-2023-course-assessment \
- Cellveyor is a python program that produces assignment reports for students or classes. Using Cellveyor will publicly give grade reports including feedback for created assignments. Using the Cellveyor tool will quickly run and send reports to members included in a locally created google spreadsheet. By running the command created, this will quickly and automatically send out these reports in a very timely and efficient fashion.
- Cellveyor is a tool that automatically produces a report based output by
analyzing a Google sheet
- Student sentence: "I'm glad Cellveyor made it easy for me to see my grades from my classes, it's so easy to read and analyze."
- Instructor sentence: "Cellveyor makes it much easier for me to tell my students what their grade looks like on a certain assignment or overall in the class"
- Researchers sentence: "I found that Cellveyor is a very interesting tool that quickly and automatically does a task that is necessary in schooling"
- 🚀 Fully customizable command line interface
- ✨ Automated generation of grade-based reports sent to students
- 🪂 Rich command line interface with many various arguments
- Cellveyor git hub repository
- Local google sheet
- Git hub token
Follow these steps to install the Cellveyor program:
- Copy the ssh key of the repo
Git clone
the repository onto your personal computergit clone (ssh key)
- Type
poetry run cellveyor --help
to learn how to use the tool