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🐶 + 🤖 = RepoRover manages and analyzes remote GitHub repositories!

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✨ Table of Contents

🤖 Introduction

RepoRover is your command-line companion for managing and analyzing multiple GitHub repositories at once! Whether you're an instructor managing student repositories on GitHub Classroom or a developer handling multiple project repositories, RepoRover is here to make your life easier and more fun!

😄 Perspectives

  • RepoRover is a tool that automatically manages and analyzes multiple GitHub repositories within a GitHub organization. Here are three different perspectives that people may have about the tool!
    • Student perspective: "I'm glad RepoRover made it easy for me to quickly receive feedback on my project repositories from GitHub Classroom.""
    • Instructor perspective: "RepoRover makes it much easier for me to oversee my students' repositories, manage access levels, and leave feedback on their pull requests."
    • Developer perspective: "Since RepoRover uses uv to manage its development, I found that it is very easy to add features, saving me a lot of time and effort."

🚀 Motivation

Handy command-line tools like gh let you access and manipulate a GitHub repository. However, these tools may be limiting for certain scenarios because they normally operate on a single repository. In contrast, RepoRover operates on multiple repositories within the same GitHub organization. It's perfect for managing project repositories created by GitHub Classroom, making it easier to handle bulk operations efficiently. When you use RepoRover, you can say goodbye to repetitive tasks and hello to automation! RepoRover roves across the remote GitHub repositories for your student's projects, operating like a trusty robotic dog as it fetches the results you need.

📦 Installation and Configuration

🔧 Prerequisites

To use RepoRover, you'll need the following:

  • Python 3.11+
  • GitHub Personal Access Token

To use RepoRover, you'll need a GitHub Personal Access Token with the necessary permissions to complete tasks like managing repositories and leave comments on pull requests. Keep it handy and make sure to keep it secure!

📥 Installation

You can easily install RepoRover with pipx or uv! Depending on which tool you prefer, just run one of the following commands:

Install RepoRover with pipx:

pipx install reporover

Install RepoRover with uv:

uv tool install reporover

🐶 Running RepoRover

RepoRover comes with several powerful commands to make your life easier when you manage multiple GitHub repositories. The concrete examples of these commands use a synthetic GitHub personal access token of ghp_12345ABCDEfghijKLMNOP67890qrstuvWXYZ. Please note that this is a fake token used for illustrative purposes. To run these commands you need to create your own GitHub personal access token and use it in the command-line.

🔑 Access Command

Need to modify user access levels for multiple repositories? You can type the command reporover access --help to change the access level for one or more users, providing the following arguments and options:

Usage: reporover access [OPTIONS] github_org_url repo_prefix usernames_file token

*    github_org_url      TEXT  URL of GitHub organization [default: None] [required]
*    repo_prefix         TEXT  Prefix for GitHub repository [default: None] [required]
*    usernames_file      PATH  Path to JSON file with usernames [default: None] [required]
*    token               TEXT  GitHub token for authentication [default: None] [required]

--username            TEXT                                One or more usernames' accounts to modify [default: None]
--pr-number           INTEGER                             Pull request number in GitHub repository [default: 1]
--pr-message          TEXT                                Pull request number in GitHub repository
--access-level        [read|triage|write|maintain|admin]  The access level for user [default: read]
--help                                                    Show this message and exit.

Here is a concrete example that shows how to use the reporover access command. Please note that in this command-line example on the following examples, the $ indicates that you should type the command at the prompt in your terminal window.

$ reporover access repo-prefix usernames.json \
ghp_12345ABCDEfghijKLMNOP67890qrstuvWXYZ --username student1 --access-level write

This command will change the access level for the specified users in all repositories matching the prefix. In the context of GitHub Classroom, the repo_prefix is the initial part of the name of a GitHub repository that is shared in common by the individual repository for each student who accepted the assignment. Finally, an example usernames.json file might include the following content for a class that has two students and gkapfham as the course instructor:

  "usernames": [

💡 Comment Command

Need to leave comments on pull requests for multiple repositories? You can type the command reporover comment --help to learn how to comment on an existing pull request in the GitHub repository for one or more users. To run this command you need to provide the following arguments and options:

Usage: reporover comment [OPTIONS] github_org_url repo_prefix usernames_file pr_message token

*    github_org_url      TEXT  URL of GitHub organization [default: None] [required]
*    repo_prefix         TEXT  Prefix for GitHub repository [default: None] [required]
*    usernames_file      PATH  Path to JSON file with usernames [default: None] [required]
*    pr_message          TEXT  Pull request message for GitHub repository [default: None] [required]
*    token               TEXT  GitHub token for authentication [default: None] [required]

--username            TEXT                                One or more usernames' accounts to modify [default: None]
--pr-number           INTEGER                             Pull request number in GitHub repository [default: 1]
--access-level        [read|triage|write|maintain|admin]  The access level for user [default: read]
--help                                                    Show this message and exit.

Here is a concrete example that shows how to use the reporover comment command:

$ reporover comment repo-prefix usernames.json \
"✨Update?" ghp_12345ABCDEfghijKLMNOP67890qrstuvWXYZ --pr-number 1

This command will leave a comment on the specified pull request for each matching repository. When using this command, it is important to note that, if configured correctly, GitHub Classroom will automatically create pull request number 1 that can be used for sending the comment.

📊 Status Command

Curious about the GitHub Actions status for multiple repositories? RepoRover has can fetch that information for you! You can type the command reporover status --help to learn how to comment on an existing pull request in the GitHub repository for one or more users. To run this command you need to provide the following arguments and options:

Usage: reporover status [OPTIONS] github_org_url repo_prefix usernames_file token

Get the GitHub Actions status for repositories.

*    github_org_url      TEXT  URL of GitHub organization [default: None] [required]
*    repo_prefix         TEXT  Prefix for GitHub repository [default: None] [required]
*    usernames_file      PATH  Path to JSON file with usernames [default: None] [required]
*    token               TEXT  GitHub token for authentication [default: None] [required]

--username            TEXT                                One or more usernames' accounts to modify [default: None]
--pr-number           INTEGER                             Pull request number in GitHub repository [default: 1]
--pr-message          TEXT                                Pull request number in GitHub repository
--access-level        [read|triage|write|maintain|admin]  The access level for user [default: read]
--help                                                    Show this message and exit.

Here is a concrete example that shows how to use the reporover status command:

reporover status repo-prefix usernames.json ghp_12345ABCDEfghijKLMNOP67890qrstuvWXYZ 

This command will fetch and display the latest GitHub Actions status for each repository. If you are a course instructor, this will help you to quickly stay informed about the status of each student's project, all without leaving the comfort of your terminal window!

🤝 Contributing

The RepoRover developers welcome contributions with wagging tails! If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue on our issue tracker. Potential contributions can fork this repository and submit a pull request with their suggested changes. Questions or comments about RepoRover? You can direct those to the development by opening an issue in our issue tracker We'd love to hear from and collaborate with you! Happy RepoRovering!


🐶 + 🤖 = RepoRover manages and analyzes remote GitHub repositories!




