packages to install and stuff to do:
main stuff:
xorg-minimal ratpoison pipewire-audio rtkit alsa-utils dbus-x11 rxvt-unicode urxvt-perls lf calc nsxiv gimp firefox mpv zip unzip p7zip scrot xclip redshift neovim zathura zathura-pdf-mupdf htop git wget unclutter udiskie numlockx
intel-ucode hsetroot wmname xdotool ufw ttf-terminus-nerd ratpoison-sloppymove emptty bluetuith arkenfox-user.js android-tools sensors adwaita-dark xdg-utils noto-fonts-cjk libreoffice-fresh-sk libreoffice-extension-texmaths hunspell-sk gtk-engine-murrine gtk-engines psmisc build-base linux-util-misc (alpine), drivers for hw video accel + vulkan
imagemagick thunderbird wine spotify spicetify obs shotcut vesktop handbrake losslesscut audacity steam osu
outdated for now:
anki flatpak unar xdg-desktop-portal gamemode pcmanfm-gtk3
disable grub timeout
disable audio power saving
install vim-plug for neovim