Multi Line Radio Group is a Radio Group layout to show radio buttons in more than one line.
In your project's build.gradle file:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
In your Application's or Module's build.gradle file:
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.Gavras:MultiLineRadioGroup:v1.0.0.6'
XML Attributes:
max_in_row: A non-negative number that represents the maximum radio buttons in a row, 0 for all in one line.
radio_buttons: String-array resource reference that represents the texts of the desired radio buttons.
default_button: String that represents the text or the index of the radio button to be checked by default. The string should be in the following format: for text: "text:[text-of-button]" where text-of-button is the text of the button to check. for index: "index:[index-of-button]" where index-of-button is the index of the button to check. when the prefix omitted, "text:" inserted implicitly.
From XML:
<com.whygraphics.multilineradiogroup.MultiLineRadioGroup xmlns:multi_line_radio_group=""
multi_line_radio_group:radio_buttons="@array/radio_buttons" />
and in arrays.xml:
<string-array name="radio_buttons">
In the activity:
MultiLineRadioGroup mMultiLineRadioGroup = (MultiLineRadioGroup) findViewById(;
mMultiLineRadioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new MultiLineRadioGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener() {
public void onCheckedChanged(ViewGroup group, RadioButton button) {
button.getText() + " was clicked",
Adding radio buttons programmatically:
mMultiLineRadioGroup.addButtons("button to add 1", "button to add 2", "button to add 3");