This is a Data Enginerering Project using Github Archive data
This project is about events that happens on Github. How many users are currently in the Github space? Which repo is the most contributed to? Who has the highest commits? What time of the day or month does users push commits the most?
The Main Objective is to :
- Develop a pipeline to collect the github archive data and process it in batch
- Build a dashboard to visualize the trends
- Cloud: GCP
- Infrastructure as code (IaC): Terraform
- Workflow orchestration: Prefect
- Data Warehouse: BigQuery
- Data Lake: Google Cloud Storage
- Batch processing/Transformations: dbt cloud and Spark
- Dashboard: Google Data Looker Studio
The data pipeline involves the following:
- fetching data in batches and storing it in GCS
- preprocessing the data with pyspark and moving it to DWH
- transforming and preparing the data in the DWH for visualization
- creating dashboards
click here to see the dashboard
To setup this project, GCP account will be required. Activate your free trial with free $300 credit. select other when choosing what best describes your needs.
Instructions to setup Terraform and GCP infrastruture click here
login into the google compute instance using ssh. to setup gcp with vscode click here
Note: The following instructions does not use docker to run the ochestration. To use docker click here
connect to your vm instance via vscode and continue. create a directory for the installation and enter the directory
mkdir spark && cd spark
extract the file
tar xzvf openjdk-11.0.1_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz
download spark
extract the file
tar xzfv spark-3.3.2-bin-hadoop3.tgz
to add the java and spark to path
nano ~/.bashrc
scroll to the bottom and add the following
export JAVA_HOME="${HOME}/spark/jdk-11.0.1"
export PATH="${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}"
export SPARK_HOME="${HOME}/spark/spark-3.3.2-bin-hadoop3"
export PATH="${SPARK_HOME}/bin:${PATH}"
after exiting,
logout and login back into the session to effect the changes or run source ~/.bashrc
Go to this repo, fork it and clone the forked repo
We will running prefect locally here.
go back to terminal on the vm, run the next command to install the requirement to run prefect. run
sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3-pip
to install pip package manager. Then change directory into the cloned repo, then run the following.pip install -r requirements.txt
then run
sudo reboot now
to reboot vm instance to effect installation. -
prefect orion start
to start prefect server. -
open another terminal session and run
prefect config set PREFECT_API_URL=
. -
The following block needs to be added.
prefect block register -m prefect_gcp prefect block register -m prefect_dbt
configuring prefect blocks. blocks can be configured with scripts or through the Prefect UI. The blocks will be configured via the UI. if you want to configure blocks via scripts, use the scripts in the blocks folder.
- click the + to configure a block
- go to GCS Bucket
- name the block
- get your gcp bucket name that was created in terraform setup. use it for the name of the bucket
- scroll down to Gcp Credentials to add credentials. Click
Add +
to add gcp credentials. - let the name of the block name be
- the api key that was downloaded when setting up GCP. copy the contents to
Service Account Info (Optional)
and save it. - the credential will be added to the gcp block automatically. click save
- Setup DbtCloud here.
- To setup dbtcloud credentials block on prefect.
- go to
to input your job_id. replace your job_id in the job_id variable.
- go to the credentials folder and create
file. - copy the google credentials details into it and save it.
Go back to terminal to configure deployment
change directory into the clone repo folder and running the following.
prefect deployment build code/ \ -n "pipeline flow" \ -o "pipeline flow" \ --apply
- the -n parameter set the name of the deployment in prefect.
- the -o parameter set the output of the file.
- the --apply parameter apply the deployment file to prefect.
prefect agent start -q 'default'
- Visit Prefect to run deployment.
- Go to the deployment tab. the newly created deployment should appear under the deployment tab.
- Click on run to create a custom run. For test purposes,
- set the year parameter to a year e.g 2020;
- set the month to take just a single month in a list e.g [1] which means January;
- set the day to any day of the month e.g 1 which means the first day. Note if the day parameter is not set, this will run for every day in the chosen month.
- the prefect flow run can be monitored from the terminal session running prefect agent.
- Optional: you can forward spark port which is 4040 from vscode to view your spark jobs
- visit Google Looker Studio
- create a datasource.
- select bigquery as source.
- select your project_ID.
- select production dataset.
- select the
gh table
. - select connect on the right top corner.
- You can have fun creating any dashboard of your choice.
when you are done, dont forget to tear down the infrastructure with terraform destroy
if you have any questions, feel free to reach me via Mail or via Twitter