jQuery module to transform a div text into splitflap display (airport-like).
<div class="my-splitflap">Hello World</div>
You can pass options to the function
// Default :
image: 'images/chars.png',
imageSize: '',
charsMap: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789.,!?#@()+-=',
charWidth: 50,
charHeight: 100,
charSubstitute: ' ',
speed: 3,
speedVariation: 2,
text: '',
textInit: '',
autoplay: true,
onComplete: function(){}
The path to the image used by the splitflap.
If used on a non-natural size (ie for HDPI, etc...), the size of the image can be specified here, in CSS "background-position" format.
You will certainly need to change charsMap, charWidth and charHeight if you change this.
The string represented in the image.
The width of a character in the image, in pixels.
The height of a character in the image, in pixels.
The character used when the string contains a character not found in the charsMap.
The speed of the rotation, in letter by seconds.
Random speed added to the fixed speed.
The destination text. If empty, the content of the element is used.
The initial string the animation begin with.
If set to false, you'll need to start the animation manually (see below).
Callback function when the aniamtion is complete.
If the string 'splitflap' is passed as options on an already existing Splitflaped div, the internal SplitFlap object is returned.
With this object, you can start the animation manually by calling the animate() method.
// Initialise the animation
$('.my-spliflap').splitFlap({autoplay: false});
// Get the animation object and start it manually