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Releases: GeodesicDragon/rimworld-rems

Version 2.16.43

16 Jul 12:30
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  • Auto mortars have received an upgrade which prevents them from exploding when taking too much damage. The only downside to this is the fact that they now require two additional advanced components to construct.
  • Auto mortars will drop an additional advanced component when destroyed.
  • You are no longer able to build auto mortars under a roof.
  • [SR]Factional War: NPCs partaking in Faction Bombardments should no longer build auto mortars instead of regular ones.

Version 2.16.39

22 Jan 15:06
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  • Removed support for version 1.1 of RimWorld.
  • Removed support for version 1.2 of RimWorld.
  • Added the ability to build your own power cells.
    • Generates 400W of power.
    • Requires Electricity research.
    • Require 100 steel and a component to build.
    • Will explode in the same way as their mechanoid counterparts.
    • Tech traders will have between one and three in stock at a time.
    • Thanks to ACro from the Steam Workshop for the suggestion (and apologies for taking so damn long to actually do it).
  • Added designation category to the Architect menu where all of the buildings added by this mod can be found.
  • XML Extensions: Added option to configure hit points of the field projected by bullet and mortar shields.
  • Tech traders are now guaranteed to stock at least one auto mortar.
  • Tech traders are now guaranteed to stock two shield cores.
  • The field projected by bullet and mortar shields now weakens as it takes damage, eventually fading entirely and leaving your colonists vulnerable.
  • In line with the above change, the charge time of shields has been massively reduced to 60 seconds (was one day).
  • Fixed missing LoadFolders.xml details for version 1.4 of RimWorld.

Version 2.13.32

06 Oct 19:22
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  • Mod is now compatible with the RimWorld 1.4 patch.

Version 2.13.31

05 Oct 16:23
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  • Fixed spacing issue on research tab.
  • Fixed build button using the wrong texture.
  • XML Extensions: Added the ability to configure how often the auto mortar will fire.
  • XML Extensions: Removed 'null' tooltips on settings window.

Version 2.12.28

27 Sep 22:06
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  • Added the ability to build your own auto mortars.
    • Require research before they can be built; you will need to research shields first and also acquire 2 techprints.
    • Require 1000 steel, 500 plasteel, 300 uranium, 10 advanced components, and a reinforced barrel to build.
    • When destroyed, leaves behind 10% of the materials used to build it (minus the barrel).
    • Market value of 15000 silver.
    • Requires 2000W of power.
    • Can be moved once built.
    • Can be turned on and off.
    • Can break down.
    • Fires at the same rate as mechanoid mortars (once every 80 seconds).
    • I will adjust things to make them more balanced depending on any feedback I get.
  • XML Extensions: Added the ability to configure how much power the auto mortar uses.
  • Renamed 'mechanoid shield trader' to 'mechanoid tech trader.'
  • Traders now have a roughly 10% chance of stocking an auto mortar.
  • Traders now have a roughly 50% chance of stocking up to two shield cores.
  • Increased amount of steel carried by traders to 1600 (was 600).
  • Increased amount of plasteel carried by traders to 650 (was 150).
  • Increased amount of uranium carried by traders to 500 (was 200).
  • Increased amount of advanced components carried by traders to 15 (was 5).
  • Reduced amount of silver carried by traders to 10000 (was 20000).

Version 2.10.20

11 Sep 14:10
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You must delete the old version of the mod from your Mods folder before installing this one.


  • XML Extensions: This mod is now entirely optional, and the settings window will only be shown if it is enabled.
  • XML Extensions: Replaced the textbox for changing how many techprints the research needs with a slider.

Version 2.10.18

22 Apr 19:38
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Version 2.10.18 (April 22nd 2022)

  • Re-added support for RimWorld 1.1, because I'm an idiot who thought that Royalty = RimWorld 1.2.

Version 2.10.17 (March 31st 2022)

  • Removed support for RimWorld 1.1, since it shouldn't have been there in the first place.
  • Corrected minor issues with the French translation.

Version 2.10.15 (March 5th 2022)

  • Fixed a minor grammatical error in the letter you receive after researching the technology.

Version 2.10.14

09 Dec 01:15
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Version 2.10.14 (December 9th 2021)

  • Added option to customise the research cost of the technology.
  • Added option to customise the tech level of the research.
  • Added option to customise the number of techprints needed for research.

Version 2.7.14

18 Nov 20:58
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Version 2.7.14 (November 18th 2021)

  • Added Simplified Chinese translation, courtesy of zerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg.
  • Fixed techprints not being available from outlander factions.
  • Reduced commonality of techprints to 0.3 (was 0.4).

Version 2.6.12

15 Sep 15:36
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  • Added option to customise the protection radius of the bullet shield.
  • Added option to customise whether or not a broadshield core is needed to build a bullet shield.
  • Added option to customise the protection radius of the mortar shield.
  • Added option to customise whether or not a broadshield core is needed to build a mortar shield.