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An HTTP/HTTPS/HTTP 2 frontend express server for proxying to plain HTTP backends. Supports multiple domains, redirect, proxy paths, basic auth and automatic Lets Encrypt certificates


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Gateway Lite

Front-end HTTP and HTTPS proxy that can Nginx in your deployment. Express is much easier to work with in many circumstances than Nginx so it might well be easier to get the configuration you need using this project as a starting point.

CAUTION: Under active development, not ready for production use by people outside the development team yet.

The basic idea is that you create a directory structure of domains in this structure with one directory for each domain you want to support:

├─── localhost
│   ├── proxy.json
│   ├── redirects.json
│   ├── sni
│   │   ├── cert.pem
│   │   └── key.pem
│   ├── users.json
│   └── webroot
│       └── .well-known
│           └── acme-challenge
    └─── ... same as above

The different files and directories for each domain configure different aspects of the gateway.

The project is available as a docker container here:

If you have two variants of the same domain, you can always symlink the directories:

ln -s

Next is a description of all the configuration options. Each of these is run in the order they are described here, so SSL checking happens before redirects which happen before auth which happens before proxying.


This is a directory which contains a .well-known/acme-challenge directory that certbot can use to automatically renew SSL certificates. See Certbot section later.

Automatic Redirects (no file, always enabled)

Any bare domains (e.g. but not get redirected to the HTTPS equivalent at the www subdomain. So for example, all these URLs get redirected to


A JSON file (must be valid JSON, not just JavaScript) that contains the set of redirects you would like perfomed. For example:

  "/some-path": "/"


A JSON file structured like this:

{"admin": "supersecret"}

CAUTION: Not terribly secure, plain passwords. But OK for now.

This defines all the users who can sign into the system.


  ["/v2/", "registry:5000"],
  ["/", "hello:8000"]

Redirects /v2/ to http://registry:8000/v2/. In this example hello and registry are an internal DNS name set up by docker-compose (see the Docker section below) but you can also have normal hosts like

The downstream destinations are checked against the request path from top to bottom, so if you had put the hello before registry, then registry would never be accessible - all paths start with /, so /v2/ would never be checked.

The third argument is optional, but if specified can have these keys:

  • auth - can be false (default) to mean no security is added or true to mean the user has to sign in with a credential in users.json to be able to access the route
  • path - specifies the target path for the downstream server, the default is to use the same path that the request was made with
  • limit - the maximum size of an incoming request specified in bytes.js format

CAUTION: Proxying is always done over HTTP though, so make sure the hosts being proxied to are on a trusted network or the same computer otherwise security credentials etc will be sent unencrypted by the proxy to the destination server.

Note that the path gets mapped too, no way to map to a different path yet, so you can't have /v2/ map to / yet).

NOTE: If you secure a route and sign in with Basic auth using the credentials in your users.json file, the browser saves your credentials until you exit the browser or clear your cache. Closing the tab is not enough.

Install and Run

npm install
DEBUG=gateway-lite npm start -- --https-port 3000 --port 8001 --cert domain/localhost/sni/cert.pem --key domain/localhost/sni/key.pem --domain domain [email protected]

The certificates you sepcify here are used if a SNI match can't be found to use a better certificate for the domain.

You can get further debugging with DEBUG=gateway-lite,express-http-proxy.

If you need a dhparam.pem file, you can use the --dhparam flag.

To test everything is working, run a server on port 8000, such as the one in bin/downstream.js:

npm run downstream

Now visit http://localhost:8001/some-path and after being redirected to / and signing in with admin and supersecret you should see the Hello! message proxied from the downstream server, along with the path:



Docker Compose and Certbot

One of the possibilities this project enables is to run multiple services on the same physical machine. A good architecture for doing this is to have gateway-lite proxy to a Docker registry container for pushing docker containers too, and then using docker-compose to also run those pushed containers as the various services.

Something to watch out for if you use Docker is that you don't have any containers sharing the same internal port. (So don't have two that internally use 8000 for example).

There are some instructions for provisioning an Ubuntu 18.04 ami on AWS with Docker Compose in

At this point you should be able to run a gateway.

Write this to a docker-compose.yml file, replacing [email protected] with an email address that has accepted the Let's Encrypt terms:

cat << EOF > docker-compose.yml
version: "3"
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: thejimmyg/gateway-lite:$GATEWAY_LITE_VERSION
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - ./domain:/app/domain
      DEBUG: gateway-lite,express-http-proxy
    command: ["--https-port", "443", "--port", "80", "--cert", "domain/localhost/sni/cert.pem", "--key", "domain/localhost/sni/key.pem", "--domain", "domain", "[email protected]"]

Create a directory for Let's Encrypt:

mkdir -p letsencrypt

Setup a basic domain structure for your domain:

TODO: Make the www. redirect configurable and not automatic based on the number of . characters in the domain.

mkdir -p domain/$DOMAIN
cd domain
ln -s $DOMAIN www.$DOMAIN
mkdir -p webroot/.well-known
cat << EOF > webroot/.well-known/hello
cd ../../

To prevent Let's Encrypt from trying to get certificates:

touch domain/${DOMAIN}/sni/cert.pem
touch domain/${DOMAIN}/sni/key.pem
touch domain/www.${DOMAIN}/sni/cert.pem
touch domain/www.${DOMAIN}/sni/key.pem

To run this with Docker Compose:

docker-compose up

You can add the -d flag to have Docker run everything as a daemon and keep it running, as well as to start up automatically when you reboot.

You'll see this initially as part of the output from the first boot:

gateway_1  | 2018-12-07T15:44:24.857Z gateway-lite Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'domain/localhost/sni/key.pem'
gateway_1  |     at Object.openSync (fs.js:436:3)
gateway_1  |     ...

This is because at the moment there are no secure certificates so gateway-lite isn't serving any HTTPS requests so if you try to connect with an https:// request you'll get a connection error. Since HTTP requests redirect to HTTPS for most URLs you'll get this problem for most URLs. We'll set up certificates in a moment.

One directory is serving on HTTP without redirecting though, the .well-known directroy. This directory is used by Let's Encrypt to verify you own the domain and to issue certificates.

Since you just created a file named hello in this directory you should be able to view it on HTTP at these URLs (replacing $DOMAIN with your actual domain):

curl http://$DOMAIN/.well-known/hello
curl http://www.$DOMAIN/.well-known/hello

In both cases you should see world!.

Now you'll need to get HTTPS certificates.

Whilst you run these next commands you must keep the server running. The easiest way to do that is to restart the server in daemon mode. Press Ctrl+C and wait a few seconds to safely stop the server, then run:

docker-compose up -d

Bear in mind that Let's Encrypt operates a rate limit as described here:

This means that you should be careful that everything is correctly configured before applying for a certificate. There is also a staging environment you can use when setting things up. Pass --staging when running Gateway Lite to use the Let's Encrypt staging environment.

Your gateway should restart when new certificates are added and it should automatically renew certificates as long as it is left up and running.

If you want to manually restart everything, in the same directory as your docker-compose.yml file, run this:

docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

You can view your logs:

docker-compose logs -f

Now you should be able to visit the root of your domain and be correctly redirected to HTTPS which will give you an error that no proxy.json file is yet set up for downstream servers.

curl -v http://$DOMAIN 2>&1 | grep "Redirecting"
curl https://$DOMAIN

Let's add a Docker Registry container for pushing private docker images to, and a simple hello world server both downstream from the gateway. We'll call them registry and hello.

First, edit the docker-compose.yml file to add a links config to the end of the gateway section to points to the two other containers by name:

      - hello:hello
      - registry:registry

Internally Docker will use this to set up a network so that from within the gateway, the hello will point to the IP of the running hello container and registry will point to the name of the running registry container.

This means that with this configuration if you were able to run curl http://registry:5000/v2/ from the gateway container you'd see the response from the HTTP service running on port 5000 in the registry container.

Next add the sections for the two new services:

CAUTION: crccheck/hello-world:latest is just an example docker image I found, I can't guarantee it is secure, so maybe use your own image instead. Also it only has a latest tag which might be different by the time you use it.

    restart: unless-stopped
    image: crccheck/hello-world:latest
      - "8000:8000"
    image: registry:2.6.2
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 5000:5000
      - ./data:/data

Your docker-compose.yml should now look like this:

version: "3"
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: thejimmyg/gateway-lite:latest
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - ./domain:/app/domain
      - ./letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt
      DEBUG: gateway-lite,express-http-proxy
    command: ["--https-port", "443", "--port", "80", "--cert", "domain/localhost/sni/cert.pem", "--key", "domain/localhost/sni/key.pem", "--domain", "domain"]
      - hello:hello
      - registry:registry
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: crccheck/hello-world:latest
      - "8000:8000"
    image: registry:2.6.2
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 5000:5000
      - ./data:/data

Make a data directory for Docker registry:

mkdir data

Now you'll need to tell the gateway-lite server how to proxy to the downstream service. You do this with the domain/$DOMAIN/proxy.json file:

cat << EOF > domain/$DOMAIN/proxy.json
  ["/v2/", "registry:5000", {"auth": true, "limit": "900mb"}],
  ["/", "hello:8000", {"path": "/"}]

See the earlier documentation to understand the format.

To make your server private so that people can't push to Docker Registry you can sign in with the credentials in domain/$DOMAIN/users.json:

cat << EOF > domain/$DOMAIN/users.json
{"admin": "secret"}

CAUTION: Use your own username and password, admin and secret are too easy to guess.

Restart docker compose again:

docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

If you visit / you should see the Hello whale:

curl https://www.$DOMAIN


Hello World

                                       ##         .
                                 ## ## ##        ==
                              ## ## ## ## ##    ===
                           /""""""""""""""""\___/ ===
                      ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ /  ===- ~~~
                           \______ o          _,/
                            \      \       _,'

Now, to use the Docker Registry you'll need to sign in with the credentials you set up. Visit /v2/ and you should see {}.

curl -v -u admin:secret https://$DOMAIN/v2/

You'll need to close your browser or clear your cache to sign out since this only uses Basic Auth.

From another machine you should be able to sign in to your registry:

docker login $DOMAIN

Once signed in, you should be able to push and pull images. For example:

docker build . -t
docker push

When you are deploying docker images that you pushed to your own private repo, you'll need to explicitly pull them with docker pull before restarting the server with Docker Compose because can't pull from the registry automatically if the registry itself isn't running.

Testing Locally Only

Assuming that is setup for in your /etc/hosts, you can run these tests with the demo server:

First test, with no HTTPS available:

vim /etc/hosts   # With -> and ->
mkdir -p domain/
cd domain/
ln -s
cd ..
DEBUG=gateway-lite npm start
# Serves the data directly
cat << EOF > domain/
curl -v 2>&1 | grep test
> GET /.well-known/test HTTP/1.1
# Redirects to HTTPS and www, but since HTTPS is not enabled, this will result in the browser not being able to connect after the redirect.
curl -v 2>&1 | grep Found
< HTTP/1.1 302 Found
# http://www. redirects to https
curl -v 2>&1 | grep Found
< HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Found. Redirecting to
# HTTPS is not available yet
curl -v 2>&1  | grep "Connection refused"
* connect to port 443 failed: Connection refused
* Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused

This is enough for you to request an HTTPS certificate from Lets Encrypt (if you server was set up publicly on the internet and the domain resolves to the server).

So, now run the certbot command to populate key.pem and cert.pem in domain/

You can now set up a local domain copy for your testing your domain locally, set DOMAIN to match your domain.

cd domain
mv www.$DOMAIN
ln -s www.$DOMAIN $DOMAIN
cd ..

Now copy the certificates from domain/www.${DOMAIN}/sni/ on your server to your local domain/www.${DOMAIN}/sni/ direcrtory.

To continue testing, edit /etc/hosts, remove the override for and and set up your real domain to point to temporarily on your machine. Now the following commands should run fine wihtout an internet connection.

NOTE: Remember to take the override out of /etc/hosts when you have finished testing.

Now run your local server, specifying the valid certificates you've just created, and using different ports from the default if you like:

npm install
DEBUG=gateway-lite npm start -- --https-port 3000 --port 8001 --cert domain/${DOMAIN}/sni/cert.pem --key domain/${DOMAIN}/sni/key.pem --domain domain

At this point, everything is using your real certificates, but it thinks that your domain points to your local computer, so browsers and curl will all work, but point to your local server.

# Actually Serve
curl -v https://www.${DOMAIN}
# Redirect to domain above
curl -v http://${DOMAIN}
curl -v http://www.${DOMAIN}
curl -v https://${DOMAIN}

You can add a proxy.json file to now proxy to a downstream HTTP server (unsecure connection, so only use on the same machine or a trusted network).



  • Per-downstream server auth, limit and path options
  • Full Docker and Certbot tutorial


First version


Instructions started in


An HTTP/HTTPS/HTTP 2 frontend express server for proxying to plain HTTP backends. Supports multiple domains, redirect, proxy paths, basic auth and automatic Lets Encrypt certificates







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  • JavaScript 96.3%
  • Dockerfile 3.7%