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.NET extensions and helpers library

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Geta.Net.Extensions package contains common handlers, extension methods and other common utility methods that can be shared between multiple projects.

How to get started?

dotnet add package Geta.Net.Extensions


Features included in package:


  • CultureInfoHelpers
    • Exists(string cultureName) - Checks if there is a culture by the provided name.
  • GenerateRandomString
    • GenerateRandomString(int uppercaseChars, int lowerCaseChars, int digits, int symbols) - Generates a random string.
  • QueryStringBuilder - helps to build parametrized URI. Works both with absolute and relative URIs
    • Add(string name, string value) - adds string parameter to URL
    • Add(string name, object value) - adds object parameter to URL
    • Remove(string name) - removes parameter from URL by name
    • Toggle(string name, string value) - adds string parameter to query if it is not already present, otherwise it removes it.
    • Toggle(string name, object value) - adds object type parameter to query if it is not already present, otherwise it removes it.
    • ToString() - generates URL string. If URL is relative then only list of parameters are returned.

QueryStringBuilder examples:

// Initialize builder with absolute url and parameters
var builder = new QueryStringBuilder("");
// Add second parameter
builder.Add("param2", "object");
// Should return
var url = builder.ToString();
// Initialize builder with relative url and parameters
var builder = new QueryStringBuilder("/?p1=o1");
// Add second parameter
builder.Add("p2", "o2");
// Should return /?p1=o1&p2=o2
var url = builder.ToString();


  • DateTimeExtensions:
    • ToEpochTime - Returns a Unix Epoch time;
    • EndOfDay - Returns end of the day datetime 23:59:59;
    • BeginningOfDay - Returns beginning of the day datetime 00:00:00;
    • IsToday - Checks if date is today (Should be in UTC);
    • IsTomorrow - Checks if date is tomorrow (Should be in UTC);
    • IsYesterday - Checks if date is yesterday (Should be in UTC);
    • ToTimestamp - Converts datetime to timestamp.
  • EnumerableExtensions:
    • ForEach - Applies an action on each item of the sequence;
    • SafeOfType - Filters the elements of an IEnumerable based on a specified type;
    • OrEmptyIfNull - Returns empty sequence if source sequence is null otherwise returns source sequence;
    • IsNullOrEmpty - Checks whether given sequence is null or empty;
    • FilterPaging - Filters by page and page size;
    • Singleton - Transforms item into IEnumerable with one item;
    • Partition - Splits IEnumerable into multiple partitions;
    • DistinctBy - Selects distinct values from list;
    • Concat - Can concatenate 2 or more sequences into signle.
  • StringExtensions:
    • JoinStrings - Transforms list into a separated string;
    • GenerateSlug, GenerateSlugWithoutHyphens - Creates URL / Html friendly slug;
    • TryParseInt32 - Parses string to nullable int (Int32);
    • TryParseInt64 - Parses string to nullable long (Int64);
    • TryParseBool - Parses string to nullable boolean;
    • TryParseTimeSpan - Parses string to nullable TimeSpan;
    • TryParseDecimal - Parses string to nullable decimal;
    • IsNullOrEmpty - Answers true if this String is either null or empty;
    • HasValue - Answers true if this String is neither null or empty;
    • HtmlEncode - Encodes the string as HTML;
    • HtmlDencode - Decodes an HTML string;
    • UrlEncode - Encodes the string for URLs;
    • UrlDecode - Decodes a URL-encoded string;
    • IsAbsoluteUrl - Checks if a string is absolute URL;
    • IsRelativeUrl - Checks if a string is relative URL;
    • GetHead - Returns beginning of the string and adds ellipse ... if string is longer that specified by length;
    • GetTail - Returns ending of the string and adds ellipse ... if string is longer that specified by length;
    • Capitalize - Capitalizes every word (title case).
  • FluentExtensions - Provides fluent way of chaining methods
    • T If<T>(this T source, bool condition, Func<T, T> func)
    • T If<T>(this T source, Func<bool> condition, Func<T, T> func)
    • T If<T>(this T source, Func<T, bool> condition, Func<T, T> func)
    • T Fluent<T>(this T source, Action<T> action)

Some FluentExtension examples:

var list = new List<string>()
                .Fluent(l => l.Add("Hello"))
                .Fluent(l => l.Add(", "))
                .Fluent(l => l.Add("World!")); 
string value1 = null;
var value2 = string.Empty;
var value3 = "Hello";

var list = new List<string>()
    .If(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value1), l => l.FluentAdd(value1))
    .If(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value2), l => l.FluentAdd(value2))
    .If(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value3), l => l.FluentAdd(value3));
var value = "Hello";

var list = new List<string>()
    .If(true, l =>
        l.If(() => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value),
            l1 => l1.FluentAdd(value)));
  • AsyncExtensions - provides various extension methods to help working with async code
    • GetAwaiter(this CancellationToken ct) - allows to await on CancellationToken

Example (subscribing to GraphQL subscription and handling the message):

public async Task SubscribeAndHandleMessagesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    var query = "subscription { ... }";
    var graphQlClient = new GraphQLHttpClient(url);
    var observable = graphQlClient.CreateSubscriptionStream<ResultDto>(query);

        .SelectMany(r => Observable.FromAsync(() => HandleAsync(r)))

    // as `Subscribe()` method exits immediately after invoke
    // we have to sit here and wait until cancellation token is cancelled (from outer scope)
    // having extension method `GetAwaiter` on `CancellationToken` allows us to do so
    await cancellationToken;

private async Task<Unit> HandleAsync(GraphQLResponse<ResultDto> result)
    // handle the message