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(Almost) Done with distributed fields. EO-Precon'ed Wilson-Clover sti…
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GianlucaFuwa committed Oct 5, 2024
1 parent dc2b5c6 commit 0b97285
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Showing 47 changed files with 932 additions and 946 deletions.
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions benchmark/bench_dirac.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,14 +15,21 @@ ops = (

titles = (
# "Wilson (Even-Odd preconditioned)",
"Staggered (Even-Odd preconditioned)",


N = 16

suite = BenchmarkGroup()

for dirac in ops
s = suite["$(dirac)"] = BenchmarkGroup()
for (i, dirac) in enumerate(ops)
s = suite["$(titles[i])"] = BenchmarkGroup()
for T in (Float32, Float64)
U = Gaugefield{CPU,T,WilsonGaugeAction}(N, N, N, N, 6.0)
D = dirac(U, 0.01; csw=1.0)
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions benchmark/bench_meas.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ for T in (Float32, Float64)
GA_methods = ["wilson", "symanzik_tree", "iwasaki", "dbw2"]
m_gaction = GaugeActionMeasurement(U, GA_methods=GA_methods)

s["$(T), plaq"] = @benchmarkable(measure($m_plaq, $U, 1, 1))
s["$(T), poly"] = @benchmarkable(measure($m_poly, $U, 1, 1))
s["$(T), wilson"] = @benchmarkable(measure($m_wilson, $U, 1, 1))
s["$(T), topo"] = @benchmarkable(measure($m_topo, $U, 1, 1))
s["$(T), ed"] = @benchmarkable(measure($m_ed, $U, 1, 1))
s["$(T), gaction"] = @benchmarkable(measure($m_gaction, $U, 1, 1))
s["Avg Plaquette, $(T)"] = @benchmarkable(measure($m_plaq, $U, 1, 1))
s["Polyakov Loop, $(T)"] = @benchmarkable(measure($m_poly, $U, 1, 1))
s["Wilson Loops (2x2 + 4x4), $(T)"] = @benchmarkable(measure($m_wilson, $U, 1, 1))
s["Top. Charge (Plaq + Clov + Imp), $(T)"] = @benchmarkable(measure($m_topo, $U, 1, 1))
s["Energy Density, $(T)"] = @benchmarkable(measure($m_ed, $U, 1, 1))
s["Gauge Action (W + LW + IW + DBW2), $(T)"] = @benchmarkable(measure($m_gaction, $U, 1, 1))

Expand Down
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions metaqcd.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
using Pkg
Pkg.activate(@__DIR__(); io=devnull)

using MetaQCD.Utils
using MetaQCD: @level1, build_bias, run_sim

function parse_args(args)
parameterfile = args[1]
@assert length(args) > 2 && isfile(parameterfile) """
An existing parameter file has to be given as the first input, e.g.:
julia metaqcd.jl parameters.toml -mode=sim
You either did not provide a file or the file you provided does not exist.

@assert count(x -> occursin("-mode", x), args) == 1 """
The flag \"-mode\" has to be set after the parameter file.
Options are:
\"-mode=sim\" to run a simulation with or without Metadynamics or
\"-mode=build\" for building a bias potential with possibly multiple walkers

mode = split(args[findfirst(x -> occursin("-mode", x), args)], "=")[2]
backend = try
split(args[findfirst(x -> occursin("-backend", x), args)], "=")[2]
catch _

return parameterfile, mode, backend

parameterfile, mode, backend = parse_args(ARGS)

@level1 "[ Mode: $(mode)\n"

if backend != "cpu"
@level1 """
If you get prompted to install a package here, make sure you do it in your \
GLOBAL julia environment, i.e., not under a project environment

if backend == "cuda"
using CUDA
elseif backend ("rocm", "amd")
using AMDGPU
When a second input is given, it has to specify the backend to be used, \
so the package can be loaded.
Note, that the backend also has to be set in the parameter file.
Supported backends are:
- cpu
- cuda
- rocm
Your input was \"$(backend)\"

mpi_parallel() && @level1("[ $(mpi_size()) MPI processes are being used")

if mode == "sim"
run_sim(parameterfile; backend=backend)
elseif mode == "build"
build_bias(parameterfile; backend=backend, mpi_multi_sim=with_mpi)
The supplied \"-mode\" is invalid. The two options are:
\"-mode=sim\" to run a simulation with or without Metadynamics or
\"-mode=build\" for building a bias potential with possibly multiple walkers
Your input was \"$(mode)\"
55 changes: 25 additions & 30 deletions metaqcd_build.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,50 +2,45 @@ using Pkg
Pkg.activate(@__DIR__(); io=devnull)

using MetaQCD.Utils
using MetaQCD: build_bias
using MetaQCD: @level1, build_bias
using MetaQCD.Parameters: lower_case

COMM = mpi_init()
# @assert mpi_size() == 1 "metaqcd_sim can not be used with mpi, only metaqcd_build"

if length(ARGS) == 0 && mpi_myrank() == 0
A parameter file has to be given as the first input:
julia metaqcd_build.jl parameters.toml
@assert length(ARGS) != 0 """
A parameter file has to be given as the first input:
julia metaqcd_sim.jl parameters.toml

backend = "cpu"

if length(ARGS) == 2
mpi_amroot() && @info(
"If you get prompted to install a package here, make sure you do it in your" *
"GLOBAL julia environment, i.e., not under a project environment"
@level1 """
If you get prompted to install a package here, make sure you do it in your \
GLOBAL julia environment, i.e., not under a project environment

if lower_case(ARGS[2]) == "cpu"
elseif lower_case(ARGS[2]) == "cuda"
using CUDA
backend = "cuda"
elseif lower_case(ARGS[2]) == "rocm"
elseif lower_case(ARGS[2]) ("rocm", "amd")
using AMDGPU
backend = "rocm"
mpi_myrank() == 0 && error("""
When a second input is given, it has to specify the backend to be used, so the package can be loaded.
Note, that the backend also has to be set in the parameter file
Supported backends are:
- cpu
- cuda
- rocm
Your input was \"$(ARGS[2])\"

if mpi_parallel() && mpi_myrank() == 0
println("$(mpi_size()) mpi processes will be used")
When a second input is given, it has to specify the backend to be used, \
so the package can be loaded.
Note, that the backend also has to be set in the parameter file.
Supported backends are:
- cpu
- cuda
- rocm
Your input was \"$(ARGS[2])\"

mpi_parallel() && @level1("[ $(mpi_size()) MPI processes are being used")

build_bias(ARGS[1]; backend=backend, mpi_multi_sim=with_mpi)
50 changes: 24 additions & 26 deletions metaqcd_sim.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,47 +2,45 @@ using Pkg
Pkg.activate(@__DIR__(); io=devnull)

using MetaQCD.Utils
using MetaQCD: run_sim
using MetaQCD: @level1, run_sim
using MetaQCD.Parameters: lower_case

if length(ARGS) == 0
A parameter file has to be given as the first input:
julia metaqcd_sim.jl parameters.toml
@assert length(ARGS) != 0 """
A parameter file has to be given as the first input:
julia metaqcd_sim.jl parameters.toml

backend = "cpu"

if length(ARGS) == 2
"If you get prompted to install a package here, make sure you do it in your" *
"GLOBAL julia environment, i.e., not under a project environment"
@level1 """
If you get prompted to install a package here, make sure you do it in your \
GLOBAL julia environment, i.e., not under a project environment

if lower_case(ARGS[2]) == "cpu"
elseif lower_case(ARGS[2]) == "cuda"
using CUDA
backend = "cuda"
elseif lower_case(ARGS[2]) == "rocm"
elseif lower_case(ARGS[2]) ("rocm", "amd")
using AMDGPU
backend = "rocm"
When a second input is given, it has to specify the backend to be used, so the package can be loaded.
Note, that the backend also has to be set in the parameter file.
Supported backends are:
- cpu
- cuda
- rocm
Your input was \"$(ARGS[2])\"
When a second input is given, it has to specify the backend to be used, \
so the package can be loaded.
Note, that the backend also has to be set in the parameter file.
Supported backends are:
- cpu
- cuda
- rocm
Your input was \"$(ARGS[2])\"

if mpi_parallel() && mpi_amroot()
println("[ $(mpi_size()) MPI processes are being used")

mpi_parallel() && @level1("[ $(mpi_size()) MPI processes are being used")

run_sim(ARGS[1]; backend=backend)
27 changes: 14 additions & 13 deletions src/diracoperators/DiracOperators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ using ..Solvers
using ..Utils

import KernelAbstractions as KA
import ..Fields: AbstractField, Gaugefield, Spinorfield, SpinorfieldEO, Tensorfield
import ..Fields: AbstractField, FieldTopology, Gaugefield, Paulifield, Spinorfield
import ..Fields: SpinorfieldEO, Tensorfield
import ..Fields: check_dims, clear!, clover_square, dims, even_odd, gaussian_pseudofermions!
import ..Fields: Clover, Checkerboard2, Sequential, @latmap, @latsum, set_source!, volume
import ..Fields: fieldstrength_eachsite!, fieldstrength_A_eachsite!, num_colors, num_dirac
import ..Fields: fieldstrength_eachsite!, num_colors, num_dirac
import ..Fields: PeriodicBC, AntiPeriodicBC, apply_bc, create_bc, distributed_reduce

abstract type AbstractDiracOperator end
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ function, ::MIME"text/plain", D::T) where {T<:AbstractDiracOper
print(io, "$(typeof(D))", "(;")

for fieldname in fieldnames(T)
if fieldname (:U, :temp)
if fieldname (:U, :temp, :D_diag, :D_oo_inv, :Fμν)
print(io, " ", fieldname, " = ", getfield(D, fieldname), ",")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,12 +271,12 @@ function, ::MIME"text/plain", S::AbstractFermionAction{Nf}) whe
| $(name)(
| Nf = $Nf
| MASS = $(S.D.mass)
| Nf: $Nf
| MASS: $(S.D.mass)

if S isa WilsonFermionAction #|| S isa WilsonEOPreFermionAction
if S isa WilsonFermionAction || S isa WilsonEOPreFermionAction
Expand All @@ -289,10 +290,10 @@ function, ::MIME"text/plain", S::AbstractFermionAction{Nf}) whe
| BOUNDARY CONDITION (TIME): $(S.D.boundary_condition))
| CG TOLERANCE (ACTION) = $(S.cg_tol_action)
| CG TOLERANCE (MD) = $(S.cg_tol_md)
| CG MAX ITERS (ACTION) = $(S.cg_maxiters_action)
| CG MAX ITERS (ACTION) = $(S.cg_maxiters_md)
| CG TOLERANCE (ACTION): $(S.cg_tol_action)
| CG TOLERANCE (MD): $(S.cg_tol_md)
| CG MAX ITERS (ACTION): $(S.cg_maxiters_action)
| CG MAX ITERS (ACTION): $(S.cg_maxiters_md)
| RHMC INFO (Action): $(S.rhmc_info_action)
| RHMC INFO (MD): $(S.rhmc_info_md))
Expand All @@ -307,12 +308,12 @@ function, S::AbstractFermionAction{Nf}) where {Nf}
| $(name)(
| Nf = $Nf
| MASS = $(S.D.mass)
| Nf: $Nf
| MASS: $(S.D.mass)

if S isa WilsonFermionAction #|| S isa WilsonEOPreFermionAction
if S isa WilsonFermionAction || S isa WilsonEOPreFermionAction
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/diracoperators/arnoldi.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,7 +108,9 @@ function partialschur!(
n = LinearAlgebra.checksquare(D)
maxdim = length(arnoldi.x)
@assert nev 1 "nev cannot be less than 1, was $nev"
@assert nev mindim maxdim < n "nev ≤ mindim ≤ maxdim < n must hold, was $nev$mindim$maxdim < $n"
@assert nev mindim maxdim < n """
nev ≤ mindim ≤ maxdim < n must hold, was $nev$mindim$maxdim < $n
_which = _symbol_to_target_meta(which)
fill!(view(arnoldi.H, :, axes(arnoldi.H, 2)), zero(T))
reinitialize_meta!(arnoldi, 0)
Expand Down
Empty file added src/diracoperators/overlap.jl
Empty file.
Empty file.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/diracoperators/staggered.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ condition in the time direction.
If `csw ≠ 0`, a clover term is included.
This object cannot be directly applied to a fermion vector, since it lacks a gauge background.
This object cannot be directly applied to a fermion vector, since it lacks a gauge
A Wilson Dirac operator with gauge background is created by applying it to a `Gaugefield`
`U` like `D_gauge = D(U)`
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/diracoperators/staggered_eo.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ condition in the time direction.
If `csw ≠ 0`, a clover term is included.
This object cannot be directly applied to a fermion vector, since it lacks a gauge background.
This object cannot be directly applied to a fermion vector, since it lacks a gauge
A Wilson Dirac operator with gauge background is created by applying it to a `Gaugefield`
`U` like `D_gauge = D(U)`
Expand Down

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