Hello welcome to K man group app
This is the front end to our project it has webpages made up of a mixture of nunjucks and html using the govUK components. Also has java script to request data from the endpoints of our api.
- npm ci
- npm start
- npm test - runs js unit tests
- npm run selenium - runs selenium test
- npm i --package-lock-only - updates the package lock
- npm run pa11y-ci your/snapshot/or/htmlpage - runs accessability tests
- npm install package-name - installs package
All the config files for the CI pipeline are held in the .github/workflows and the config files for the linters are held in the .github/linters.
- superlinter -documentation- https://github.com/github/super-linter
- pa11y -documentation- https://github.com/pa11y/pa11y
Screenshots of the webpages used are taken during the selenium test and then the Pa11y tests can be run on the snapshots which means the tests can be run as part of the workflow. The pa11yci.json file is used to configure the test from here you can set the standart timeout etc.
- unit tests
- You break it you fix it
- if Gillon did it and it doesn't work check his spelling
- Ignore dependabot at all costs
- Backend - https://github.com/GillonPaterson/kManGroup-Api - we used java17
- Performance testing - https://github.com/GillonPaterson/gatling-tests - needs to be run with java11
we aren't open to contributing sorry.