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[WIP] Density geometry revamp #1157

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[WIP] prelim version of the density geometry revamp
working on #1152.

Note: This is a WIP and currently completely breaks `Geom.density` and
`Geom.violin` has several regressions.
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tlnagy committed Jun 3, 2018
commit 944fc295efb82afd7bff585e631520ad07cd6c92
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions src/aesthetics.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
using IterTools

const NumericalOrCategoricalAesthetic =
Union{(Void), Vector, DataArray, IndirectArray}

@@ -413,3 +415,72 @@ function inherit!(a::Aesthetics, b::Aesthetics;

Given aesthetics to group with, `by`, and an aesthetic to group `togroupvar`
this function constructs a dictionary that maps each given combination of the
`by` aesthetics to the positions which they apply to. Thus the output is a
dictionary of tuples of each unique combination of `by` mapped to a boolean
array of length `n` where `n` is the length of the aesthetics (they have to all
have the same length). If the provided aesthetics are missing, a placeholder
`nothing` is return instead of the unique value.

## Examples

aes = Gadfly.Aesthetics()
aes.x = repeat([1, 2], inner=3)
aes.y = collect(1:6)

groupby(aes, [:x, :color], :y)

# output

Dict((2, nothing)=>Bool[false, false, false, true, true, true],(1, nothing)=>Bool[true, true, true, false, false, false])

aes = Gadfly.Aesthetics()
aes.x = repeat([:a, :b], inner=2)
aes.y = collect(1:4)
aes.color = repeat([colorant"red", colorant"blue"], inner=2)

groupby(aes, [:x, :color], :y)

# output

Dict((:a, RGB{N0f8}(1.0,0.0,0.0))=>Bool[true, true, false, false],(:b, RGB{N0f8}(0.0,0.0,1.0))=>Bool[false, false, true, true])

function groupby(aes::Gadfly.Aesthetics, by::Vector{Symbol}, togroupvar::Symbol)
types = fill(Nothing, length(by))
isconcrete = fill(false, length(by))
for i in 1:length(by)
isconcrete[i] = getfield(aes, by[i]) != nothing
(!isconcrete[i]) && continue
types[i] = eltype(getfield(aes, by[i]))
@assert length(getfield(aes, togroupvar)) == length(getfield(aes, by[i])) "$togroupvar and $(by[i]) aesthetics must have same length"

T = Tuple{types...}
grouped = Dict{T, Vector{Bool}}()

# gather options for each `by` aesthetic
opt = [if isconcrete[i] unique(getfield(aes, by[i])) else [nothing] end for i in 1:length(by)]

# The approach is to identify positions were multiple by aesthetics overlap
# and thus grouping the data positions. We first assume that all positions
# belong to a combination of aesthetics and then whittle it down
for combo in product(opt...)
belongs = fill(true, length(getfield(aes, togroupvar)))
for i in 1:length(combo)
(combo[i] == nothing) && continue
belongs .&= getfield(aes, by[i]) .== combo[i]
# for multiple by variables we need to check whether there is any overlap
# between this specific combo before adding it to the dict
(any(belongs)) && (grouped[combo] = belongs)
70 changes: 52 additions & 18 deletions src/geom/density.jl
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@@ -1,8 +1,29 @@
struct DensityGeometry <: Gadfly.GeometryElement

function DensityGeometry(; order=1, tag=empty_tag, kwargs...)
DensityGeometry(Gadfly.Stat.DensityStatistic(; kwargs...), order, tag)

DensityGeometry(stat; order=1, tag=empty_tag) = DensityGeometry(stat, order, tag)

const density = DensityGeometry

element_aesthetics(::DensityGeometry) = Symbol[]
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element_aesthetics should contain :x, :y, and :color, no?

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If I don't leave this blank, they are filled with autogenerated values so it's impossible to give useful error messages using Gadfly.assert_aesthetics_defined. I wasn't sure how to get around this so I leave this blank and figure out errors later:

default_statistic(geom::DensityGeometry) = Gadfly.Stat.DensityStatistic(geom.stat)

struct ViolinGeometry <: Gadfly.GeometryElement
ViolinGeometry(; order=1, tag=empty_tag) = ViolinGeometry(order, tag)
function ViolinGeometry(; order=1, tag=empty_tag, split=false, kwargs...)
ViolinGeometry(Gadfly.Stat.DensityStatistic(; kwargs...), split, order, tag)

Geom.violin[(; order=1)]
@@ -15,29 +36,42 @@ const violin = ViolinGeometry

element_aesthetics(::ViolinGeometry) = [:x, :y, :color]

default_statistic(::ViolinGeometry) = Gadfly.Stat.violin()
default_statistic(geom::ViolinGeometry) = Gadfly.Stat.DensityStatistic(geom.stat)

function render(geom::ViolinGeometry, theme::Gadfly.Theme, aes::Gadfly.Aesthetics)
# TODO: What should we do with the color aesthetic?

Gadfly.assert_aesthetics_defined("Geom.violin", aes, :y, :width)
Gadfly.assert_aesthetics_equal_length("Geom.violin", aes, :y, :width)

default_aes = Gadfly.Aesthetics()
default_aes.color = fill(theme.default_color, length(aes.y))
aes = Gadfly.inherit(aes, default_aes)

# Group y, width and color by x
ux = unique(aes.x)
grouped_color = Dict(x => first(aes.color[aes.x.==x]) for x in ux)
grouped_y = Dict(x => aes.y[aes.x.==x] for x in ux)
grouped_width = Dict(x => aes.width[aes.x.==x] for x in ux)

kgy = keys(grouped_y)
violins = [vcat([(x - w/2, y) for (y, w) in zip(grouped_y[x], grouped_width[x])],
reverse!([(x + w/2, y) for (y, w) in zip(grouped_y[x], grouped_width[x])]))
for x in kgy]
colors = [grouped_color[x] for x in kgy]
grouped_data = Gadfly.groupby(aes, [:x, :color], :y)
violins = Array{NTuple{2, Float64}}[]

colors = []
(aes.color == nothing) && (aes.color = fill(theme.default_color, length(aes.x)))
color_opts = unique(aes.color)
if geom.split && length(color_opts) > 2
error("Split violins require 2 colors, not more")

for (keys, belongs) in grouped_data
x, color = keys
ys = aes.y[belongs]
ws = aes.width[belongs]

if geom.split
pos = findfirst(color_opts, color)
if pos == 1
push!(violins, [(x - w/2, y) for (y, w) in zip(ys, ws)])
push!(violins, reverse!([(x + w/2, y) for (y, w) in zip(ys, ws)]))
push!(colors, color)
push!(violins, vcat([(x - w/2, y) for (y, w) in zip(ys, ws)],
reverse!([(x + w/2, y) for (y, w) in zip(ys, ws)])))
push!(colors, color != nothing ? color : theme.default_color)

ctx = context(order=geom.order)
compose!(ctx, Compose.polygon(violins, geom.tag), fill(colors))
10 changes: 0 additions & 10 deletions src/geom/line.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -51,16 +51,6 @@ geometry is equivalent to [`Geom.line`](@ref) with `preserve_order=true`.
path() = LineGeometry(preserve_order=true)

Geom.density[(; bandwidth=-Inf)]

Draw a line showing the density estimate of the `x` aesthetic.
This geometry is equivalent to [`Geom.line`](@ref) with
[`Stat.density`](@ref); see the latter for more information.
density(; bandwidth::Real=-Inf) =

Geom.density2d[(; bandwidth=(-Inf,-Inf), levels=15)]
