the Very Pseudo 3d renderer for the TI-99/4a!
VePseu99 is a port of the original VePseu to the TI-99/4a. It utilizes the same technology on a less restricted platform so (hopefully) some good games can actually be made!
In order to assemble the code you'll need xas99 and to emulate I use
- Click on concat.bat to load all of the assembly files into one large file called vepseu.a99
- Use XAS99 to assemble vepseu.a99 into a binary cart file
- Run make
- Use XAS99 to assemble vepseu.a99 into a binary
- W: Move forward
- S: Move backward
- A: Turn left
- D: Turn right
- 1-8: interact
VePseuTool is the map editor for VePseu99! Controls are as follows:
- Leftclick: Place wall
- Rightclick: Options menu
- Scrollwheel Button: Move the grid around with your cursor
- Scrollwheel: Zoom in/out
- Shift+Leftclick: Remove wall
- S: Place scene
- Shift+S: Remove scene
- Ctrl+S: Save
- E: Edit scene(puts you in scene mode)
Scene Mode
- A: Rotate scene counterclockwise
- D: Rotate scene clockwise
- S: Place sprite at cursor
- Shift+S: Remove sprite
- Leftclick: Drag sprite
- Up/Down/Left/Right keys: Fine sprite position adjustment
Supported Filetypes
- Maps: VePseuTool-generated assembly files
- Sprites: 8x8 monochrome PNG files(if the background is tranparent make sure it's transparent black, as in the RGB channels are also set to 0)
- screenshots/* - folder full of screenshots, documenting the engine's development cycle
- src/ - sourcecode for VePseu99!
- tools/vepseutool.jar - see VePseuTool
- concat.bat - Script that combines all the files under src/ into vepseu.a99
- filetypes.A99.conf - Geany syntax highlights
- LICENSE - text file containing license, important!
- Makefile - linux makefile
- - the file you're reading now!
- template.a99 - simple header template for all .a99 files
- vepseu.a99 - concatination of all the files under src/
- vepseu.bin - binary cart image
- vepseu.obj - cart obj
- wallstyles.png - Texture and pallet info for VePseu