A website that resembles the real Unsplash website where photos are posted for viewing and downloading.
A user can:
- view the photos uploaded to the website
- view the photos that have a specific tag
- search for images that have a specific tag and view them
- copy the link of an image that they like
- view an image in full size
Admin can:
- upload images to the website and manage them
To view the website, you can click on the link in the descrition. If you like it and would like to install it, clone it above and follow these instructions:
Have Python3 installed
Have pip installed to the latest version
create a virtual environment
(venv)$ pip install requirements.txt
(venv)$ ./manage.py runserver
That's it!
- No known bugs
- Python (version 3.6)
- Django (version 1.11.7)
- Posgresql
- Bootstrap 3
- Heroku (deployment)
Gitu Mbugua