WIP: New interface to configure carousels #593
Travis CI / Travis CI - Branch
Nov 23, 2023 in 1m 27s
Build Failed
The build failed.
This is a normal build for the 592-element-config branch. You should be able to reproduce it by checking out the branch locally.
Jobs and Stages
This build has four jobs, running in two sequential stages.
Stage 1: lint
This stage failed.
Job | PHP | ENV | OS | State |
2085.1 PhpStan | 8.2 | DDEV_NO_INSTRUMENTATION=true | Linux | failed |
2085.2 Drupal coding standard | 8.2 | DDEV_NO_INSTRUMENTATION=true | Linux | failed |
2085.3 Shell coding standard: shellcheck | 8.2 | DDEV_NO_INSTRUMENTATION=true | Linux | passed |
Stage 2: test
This stage canceled.
Job | PHP | ENV | OS | State |
2085.4 Backend tests: Functional tests | 8.2 | DDEV_NO_INSTRUMENTATION=true | Linux | canceled |
Build Configuration
Build Option | Setting |
Language | PHP |
Operating System | Linux (Jammy) |
PHP Version | 8.2 |
Build Configuration
"language": "php",
"os": [
"dist": "jammy",
"version": "~> 1.0",
"php": [
"services": [
"stages": [
"name": "lint"
"name": "test"
"name": "deploy"
"env": [
"global={:DDEV_NO_INSTRUMENTATION=>\"true\"}={:DEPLOY_EXCLUDE_WARNING=>\"\\\"Search API|Server Search ElasticSearch Credentials\\\"\"}={:PANTHEON_GIT_URL=>\"\\\"ssh://codeserver.dev.5acc1750-abf0-47ef-a6d8-6890a6efaca8@codeserver.dev.5acc1750-abf0-47ef-a6d8-6890a6efaca8.drush.in:2222/~/repository.git\\\"\"}=DOCKER_PASSWORD=[secure]"
"before_install": [
"openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_2c02e48ad60e_key -iv $encrypted_2c02e48ad60e_iv -in travis-key.enc -out travis-key -d",
"export PATH=\"$HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin:$PATH\"",
"docker login --password \"$DOCKER_PASSWORD\" --username amitaibu"
"git": {
"depth": 500
"jobs": {
"include": [
"stage": "Lint",
"name": "PhpStan",
"script": [
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/test_syntax.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"composer install",
"vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -c phpstan.neon"
"stage": "Lint",
"name": "Drupal coding standard",
"script": [
"composer install || travis_terminate 1;",
"vendor/bin/robo phpcs || travis_terminate 1;"
"stage": "Lint",
"name": "Shell coding standard: shellcheck",
"script": [
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_shell.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/test_shell.sh || travis_terminate 1;"
"stage": "Test",
"name": "Backend tests: Functional tests",
"if": "(branch != \"main\" AND tag IS blank)",
"script": [
"(travis_retry $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_ddev.sh) || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_drupal.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/test_phpunit.sh || travis_terminate 1;"
"stage": "Deploy",
"name": "Backend tests: Functional tests and deploy to Pantheon QA",
"if": "branch = \"main\" AND type = push AND tag IS blank",
"script": [
"(travis_retry $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_ddev.sh) || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_drupal.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/test_phpunit.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"(travis_retry $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/prepare_deploy.sh) || travis_terminate 1;",
"(travis_retry ddev robo deploy:pantheon qa --no-interaction) || travis_terminate 1;",
"ddev composer install || travis_terminate 1;",
"ddev robo deploy:notify || travis_terminate 1;"
"stage": "Deploy",
"name": "Backend tests: Functional tests and deploy to Pantheon TEST",
"if": "tag IS present AND type = \"push\" AND tag !~ /live$/",
"script": [
"(travis_retry $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_ddev.sh) || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_drupal.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/test_phpunit.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"(travis_retry $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/prepare_deploy.sh) || travis_terminate 1;",
"(travis_retry ddev robo deploy:tag-pantheon --no-interaction $TRAVIS_TAG master) || travis_terminate 1;",
"ddev composer install || travis_terminate 1;",
"(travis_retry ddev robo deploy:pantheon-sync) || travis_terminate 1;"
"stage": "Deploy",
"name": "Backend tests: Functional tests and deploy to Pantheon LIVE",
"if": "tag IS present AND type = \"push\" AND tag =~ /live$/",
"script": [
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/check_live_deploy.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"(travis_retry $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_ddev.sh) || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/install_drupal.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/test_phpunit.sh || travis_terminate 1;",
"(travis_retry $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/ci-scripts/prepare_deploy.sh) || travis_terminate 1;",
"(travis_retry ddev robo deploy:pantheon-sync live) || travis_terminate 1;"