Lutris-GE-6.16-LoL released
This is a WINE 6.16 League of Legends release which is specifically meant to be used with the 'Standard Launch Helper verion) of the Lutris LoL installer, found here:
The installer has already been updated to use this build, so if you do not have the game already installed, you can just run the lutris installer.
This build is also available via the lutris runners list as lutris-ge-6.16-lol.
Lastly, if you still wish to install this build manually for usage with lutris, follow the readme:
Patches in this build:
- proton fullscreen hack patches
- proton mouse focus patches
- proton clock monotonic patches
- proton Large Address Awareness patches
- esync+ fsync patches
- proton QPC and LFH heap allocation patches (helps with frame timings)
- LoL syscall patch from
- LoL abi vsyscall32 patch from
The full patched branch of this build can be found at:
As mentioned, this build is SPECIFICALLY MADE to be used with Lutris, and with the game installed using the mentioned lutris install script. I -WILL NOT- assist with running it outside of lutris using any non-lutris installed method. There are too many requirements outside of the build itself to troubleshoot every instance that anyone has when attempting to run the game outside of lutris.
Additional note:
This build does -not- have the FSR patches. FSR sadly does not work properly withe LoL after an extended period of testing, and causes resolution issues.