Releases: GloriousEggroll/wine-ge-custom
Wine-GE-Proton7-20 Released
FSR Updates:
(1) 32:9 resolutions have been added to the FSR resolution list:
32:9 (5120x1440) -- Samsung Neo G9:
{2560, 720}, // 32:9 - 'FSR 32:9 Performance'
{3012, 847}, // 32:9 - 'FSR 32:9 Balanced'
{3413, 960}, // 32:9 - 'FSR 32:9 Quality'
{3938, 1108}, // 32:9 - 'FSR 32:9 Ultra Quality'
was found to be not working properly in some games. This has been -fixed- and -renamed- to WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR_CUSTOM_MODE
. The rename was done to keep conformity with the naming scheme and make it easier to remember. This option WILL add the specified custom resolution in-game and therefore now does what everyone actually expected it to thankfully.
(3) Since (2) is fixed, there are now -two- ways to add your desired FSR resolution in-game!
Method 1:
with the options of ultra, quality, balanced, performance and it will auto-add the corresponding FSR resolution in-game for your monitor resolution if supported. You then go in game, set fullscreen mode, and choose that resolution if it is not already automatically set.
Method 2:
This is useful for screen resolutions that are not normally supported which need a custom mode added to upscale from:
You then go in game, set fullscreen mode, and choose that resolution if it is not already automatically set.
- You -cannot- add multiple values. Only one mode is allowed in the preset modes, and only one resolution is allowed in the custom mode.
- For Reference, here is the full preset list:
+ 32:9 (5120x1440) -- Samsung Neo G9:
+ {2560, 720}, // 32:9 - 'FSR 32:9 Performance'
+ {3012, 847}, // 32:9 - 'FSR 32:9 Balanced'
+ {3413, 960}, // 32:9 - 'FSR 32:9 Quality'
+ {3938, 1108}, // 32:9 - 'FSR 32:9 Ultra Quality'
+ 4K:
+ {1920, 1080}, // 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Performance'
+ {2259, 1270}, // 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Balanced'
+ {2560, 1440}, // 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Quality'
+ {2954, 1662}, // 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Ultra Quality'
+ Ultra-wide:
+ {1720, 720}, // 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Performance'
+ {2024, 847}, // 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Balanced'
+ {2293, 960}, // 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Quality'
+ {2646, 1108}, // 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Ultra Quality'
+ 2K:
+ {1280, 720}, // 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Performance'
+ {1506, 847}, // 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Balanced'
+ {1706, 960}, // 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Quality'
+ {1970, 1108}, // 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Ultra Quality'
+ 1080p:
+ {960, 640}, // 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Performance'
+ {1129, 635}, // 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Balanced'
+ {1280, 720}, // 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Quality'
+ {1477, 831}, // 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Ultra Quality'
- Also for reference, here is the formula used by FSR in case you want to make your own modes for different aspect ratios:
+ Ultra Quality — 1.3x scaling
+ Quality — 1.5x scaling
+ Balanced — 1.7x scaling
+ Performance — 2x scaling
The way you use this is to divide the max width and height for the resolution you have by the scaling value then round up/down for the last number based on the first decimal value.
W 1920/1.3 = 1476.923076923
H 1080/1.3 = 830.769230769
1477x831 = {1477, 831}, // 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Ultra Quality'
Here are some examples of me applying 32:9 aspect ratio 3413x960 resolution on a 4k monitor:
I was able to have Wendell from Level1Techs try this on the Samsung Neo G9 also!:
Wine-GE-Proton7-19 Released
- FSR:
I've attempted to make the FSR issue a bit easier for people by implementing a new option:
How it works:
Modes available:
This will add the resolution corresponding to your monitor resolution and mode setting to the in-game resolution list if your monitor's resolution is supported by FSR.
If you choose 'ultra' and your monitor is 1440p (2k), it will add this entry to the in-game screen resolution list:
- You must then choose that resolution in-game and FSR will scale it up to your monitor's 1440p size.
If WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR is enabled but no mode is set, the 'performance' option for screen resolution (if supported by FSR) will be added.
Again, the full list of resolutions can be found below for reference:
+ 4K:
+ {1920, 1080}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Performance'
+ {2259, 1270}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Balanced'
+ {2560, 1440}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Quality'
+ {2954, 1662}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Ultra Quality'
+ Ultra-wide:
+ {1720, 720}, /* 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Performance'
+ {2024, 847}, /* 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Balanced'
+ {2293, 960}, /* 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Quality'
+ {2646, 1108}, /* 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Ultra Quality'
+ 2K:
+ {1280, 720}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Performance'
+ {1506, 847}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Balanced'
+ {1706, 960}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Quality'
+ {1970, 1108}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Ultra Quality'
+ 1080p:
+ {960, 640}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Performance'
+ {1129, 635}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Balanced'
+ {1280, 720}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Quality'
+ {1477, 831}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Ultra Quality'
Wine-GE-Proton7-18 Released
- Fixes crashes with 3440x1440 screen resolution
- FSR resolutions removed from in-game resolution list. Please use WINE_FULLSCREEN_FAKE_CURRENT_RES to set scale-from resolution:
/* Some games have a limit on the number of entries allowed in the resolution list,
for example, Elden Ring's limit is 26. Therefore we cannot add all of the FSR
resolutions to the list without hitting the limit, which causes missing resolutions
within the game's resolution list. You can use WINE_FULLSCREEN_FAKE_CURRENT_RES to
set the resolution used to scale up from.
Your monitor is 3440x1440
You want to use FSR to scale up using ""Ultra Quality" FSR mode.
You use:
This allows you to use the custom resolution that is not in the games fullscreen
resolution list to scale up.
Below is a table of FSR values allowed that are not part of the fullscreen
resolution list:
//{1920, 1080}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Performance' -- already in resolution list
{2259, 1270}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Balanced'
//{2560, 1440}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Quality' -- already in resolution list
{2954, 1662}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 2160p Ultra Quality'
{1720, 720}, /* 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Performance'
{2024, 847}, /* 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Balanced'
{2293, 960}, /* 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Quality'
{2646, 1108}, /* 21:9 - 'FSR ultra-wide Ultra Quality'
//{1280, 720}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Performance' -- already in resolution list
{1506, 847}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Balanced'
{1706, 960}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Quality'
{1970, 1108}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1440p Ultra Quality'
//{960, 640}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Performance'
{1129, 635}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Balanced'
//{1280, 720}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Quality' -- already in resolution list
{1477, 831}, /* 16:9 - 'FSR 1080p Ultra Quality'
Wine-GE-Proton7-17 Released
- Paladins crash fixed. I found the fix and reported it upstream and they were able to get it fixed. As long as they allow EAC to keep working the game should now be playable (again)
- Elden Ring missing fullscreen resolutions fixed
- Apex Legends crashing on fullscreen 1080p mode for some systems can be fixed by enabling WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 (its a weird conflict with the fsr patch)
- Wine updated to bleeding edge from 6/23 (6/24 has broken mfplat commits)
- dxvk updated to latest git
- vkd3d-proton updated to latest git
- gstreamer libraries updated
- FarCry 4 crash on systems with high core counts can be fixed by setting a CPU topology lower than 32:
(it still has a crashing problem with dxvk + amd. works with dxvk+nvidia and wined3d+amd):
Wine-GE-Proton7-16 Released
Hotfix release:
- Fix some WMV videos broken after previous release (UMVC3, Atelier, RE5)
-- Note: Audio is still broken on some of these (audio was broken before e.g. UMVC3)
Wine-GE-Proton7-15 Released
V Rising fixes imported from upstream proton
More FFXIV fixes imported from upstream proton
FFXIV A Realm Reborn intro video missing audio fixed
Star Citizen fixes imported from upstream wine
Godfall new game intro video now works
ffmpeg and gstreamer libraries updated in lutris build to match proton
wine updated to latest bleeding edge
Wine-GE-Proton7-15-SC Released
This build is ONLY for Star Citizen. -do not use with other games!!!-
This is a hotfix for Wine-GE-Proton7-14-SC. New patches have been added that fix the upstream implementation of the previous SetThreadInformation() stub needed for the game to not crash. I've replaced the stub patch with the new implementation and verified it works now.
Wine-GE-Proton7-14-SC Released
This build is ONLY for Star Citizen. -do not use with other games!!!-
Currently Star Citizen's EasyAntiCheat implementation needs an /etc/hosts workaround to disable DNS resolution in order to work on Linux. If you add this entry into your system's /etc/hosts, it gets applied system-wide. Obviously this is not ideal in case you have other working EAC games.
This release has a patch that disables DNS resolution of within WINE instead of having to add it globally to /etc/hosts. This way users don't have to add the entry as root and it does not get applied system wide, therefore it will not affect other EAC games.
Note: Star Citizen still requires:
(1) /etc/sysctl.d/20-starcitizen-max_map_count.conf
# sysctl -p
(2) system's hard open file descriptors limit 524288 or larger
Distributions using systemd: Manjaro / Antergos / Arch / Arch-based (probably) / Ubuntu (and probably derivatives) / Fedora
Add the following line to /etc/systemd/system.conf: DefaultLimitNOFILE=524288
Distributions that use /etc/security/limits.conf
Add the following line to /etc/security/limits.conf: * hard nofile 524288
Nobara/Fedora have this set to 1048576 by default so no change is required for (2):
$ ulimit -Hn
More information can be found below:
Lutris's Star Citizen installer has already been configured to use this build, as well as a pre-launch script that removes the necessary EAC folder:
Wine-GE-Proton7-14 Released
The short of it is -- a stub patch was created to fix Star Citizen. Upstream wine added a full implementation rather than the stub. I grabbed the full implementation from upstream and released 7-13 with it. Turns out that implementation did not work, so here I am releasing 7-14 with the stub instead. Tested and working.
Wine-GE-Proton7-13 Released
- Added patch to fix Star Citizen crash (