About/elevator pitch:
Gameon is a location-based website app that allows users to find activity buddies for a wide range of activities, such as rock climbing, tennis and basketball etc.
**User Story: *Sprint 1: Basic Auth & Profiles A user should be able to … 1. go to “/” and see a basic splash page and see… o the name of the website, and (done) o links to “login” and “signup” (done) 2. sign up for an account – add all parameters 3. log in to their account if they already have one 4. be redirected to their public profile view after logging in 5. on their public profile, see their name, the current city, gender, activities 6. On site header, have a link on every page that direct to user profile (called “my activities”)* 7. see the site header on every page, and (partials) o on the header, see a link to log out if they’re logged in o on the header, see links to log in and sign up if they’re logged out 8. update their profile o change their activities (Delete/edit) and current city only 9. see all of their current event 10. view individual event with author, title, and body
Bonuses A user should be able to… 1. see a “default” profile-photo on their profile page before adding their own photo 2. update their photo (consider using Paperclip) 3. see their photo next to their posts Sprint 2: CRUD – Event creation / edit A user should be able to… 1. view the homepage (at “/cities/1”) o including the site-header o and the name of the city 2. view a list of events on the San Francisco Homepage o sorted by newest first o link the title to the post 3. use a “Add” button on the home page to pull up the new event form 4. create a new event 5. Be able to specify time, location, type of activity and headcount of event 6. click “edit” on ANY individual event the user created, and be redirected to the edit form 7. click “delete” on ANY individual event, then o see a pop-up that says: “Are you sure you want to delete this request?”o if the user confirms, delete the event 8. Able to see the list of activities you joined
*Sprint 3: CRUD – Event Joining and Updating A user should be able to… 1. click join event 2. See confirmation message of event joined a. Description, location b. Current headcount, and desired headcount c. List of participants and their levels 3. Sees current headcount increment by one once joined 4. Redirect back to home page once close the confirmation page
*Sprin4 : Validations & Authorization A user should be able to… 1. view home pages for “San Francisco ”posts 2. view all events as markers/pins on a map on the site’s main page 3. click on a pin on the main page map and be redirected to the corresponding event 4. verify that a new post they create is successfully published on the correct city homepage A user CANNOT save invalid data to the database, according to the following rules: 1. A user CANNOT sign up with an email (or username) that is already in use 2. A event title must be between 1 and 200 characters A user is authorized to perform certain actions on the site, according to the following rules: 1. A user MUST be logged in to create/update/destroy resources 2. A user may only edit/delete their OWN event
**Entity Relationship Diagram
I) User
First Name
Last Name
has many
- Sport-type
II) Event
Creator: user_id
Sport Type_id
Start Time
Max headcount
Current Headcount
has_many: users
III) City
- users - events
IV) Sport type
Name: String
Level: String
- Event - User
V) Logs
joint table: belongs to User and Events
data fields:
- User_id: int
- Event_id: int - Action: string
API Used:
Google map - API
Libraries used:
**Wishlist / Future Development:
Ability to flag previous activity partners
- ability to add friends, and only see friend’s activity request
- restrict activity request to inviting friends only
- share URL of activity request via facebook or email with friends not signed up - invite friends to join site / log in via facebook
Request administrator previleges
- originator of request can approve or deny quests to join from other users - originator of request can remove other participants
Notification to users when request is filled/cancelled
- email notification
- ability to change notification settings
Interaction with other Users with chat
- sending chats to friends / administors of requests - delete messsages in inbox - receive notification when a message comes in
Sorting activities by location, time and type
**Contributors: Peter Hoang: Sharon Ji: James Bennington: Humberto Calero:
rake doc:app