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Quickly Building

rake package:download package:import config:all build:android install:android

Will find the best version of Unity it can, download the latest Teak SDK, configure a development build, then build the Android app and install it on any connected device.

Unity Version

The UNITY_HOME environment variable sets which Unity editor will be used for building, e.g. UNITY_HOME=/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2023.1.8f1\

AWS Credentials

If AWS credentials are managed by aws-vault then use aws-vault exec <user> -- <rake command>


Package is one of:

  • download
  • copy
  • build
  • upm
  • import


Resets the cleanroom and downloads the Teak SDK from the CDN (using the Teak Fastlane Plugin). You can control the version which is downloaded using the FL_TEAK_SDK_VERSION environment variable.

By default it will download the latest Teak SDK.


Resets the cleanroom and copies the Teak SDK from a local directory (using the Teak Fastlane Plugin). You can control the path from which the SDK is copied using the FL_TEAK_SDK_SOURCE environment variable.

By default it will look in ../teak-unity


Resets the cleanroom and builds the Teak SDK locally. Without further arguments it will re-build both the Android and iOS native SDKs before building the Unity SDK. You can specify building a specific SDK with the following:

  • package:build:ios builds the native iOS SDK, copies the existing Android SDK, builds the Unity SDK
  • package:build:android builds the native Android SDK, copies the existing iOS SDK, builds the Unity SDK
  • package:build:unity copies the native Android and iOS SDKs, builds the Unity SDK

This assumes that the iOS, Android and Unity repositories are located in ../teak-ios, ../teak-android, and ../teak-unity respectively.


Resets the cleanroom and configures the build to install the Teak SDK from Teak's UPM git repository.


Imports the Teak SDK located in the current directory, and then imports the Prime31 plugin or the UnityIAP plugin and additionally the Facebook SDK plugin.

By default it will import the UnityIAP plugin, the Facebook SDK plugin, and the bundled FirebaseMessaging.unitypackage.

You can control what is used with the following environment variables:

  • USE_UNITY_IAP with 'true' or 'false' defaults to 'true'
  • USE_PRIME31 with 'true' or 'false' defaults to 'false'
  • FACEBOOK_SDK_VERSION with a specific Facebook SDK for Unity version, defaults to '16.0.1'
  • USE_FACEBOOK with 'true' or 'false' to control if Facebook is in the build, defaults to true


Configures the build, there are subcommands to this, but you should just be using config:all.

By default it will configure a 'dev' build, you can specify the build type using BUILD_TYPE with one of:

  • dev Development build and Teak credentials for Teak SDK - Dev
  • prod Production build and credentials for Teak SDK - Prod
  • mismatch A development build with mismatching Firebase credentials


Performs the build.

  • build:ios Builds and exports an iOS IPA. Note that if you want to run the build via Xcode, instead use ios:build and then open Unity-iPhone/Unity-iPhone.xcworkspace
  • build:android Builds an Android APK
  • build:amazon Build an Android APK designed for the Amazon store
  • build:webgl Builds the WebGL package

For Android the following environment variables are available:

  • USE_IL2CPP_ON_ANDROID with 'true' or 'false' defaults to 'false'
  • TARGET_API to set the targetSdkLevel for Android, defaults to 33


Installs the build.

  • install:ios uses ideviceinstaller to install the exported IPA
  • install:android installs the build with the installer ref set to Google Play (
  • install:google_play same as install:android
  • install:amazon installs the build with the installer ref set to the Amazon store (
  • install:webgl runs an http server on local port 8000 hosting the WebGL build


Deploys the build.

  • deploy:webgl uploads the WebGL build to Facebook hosting.


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