- Jenkins allow to use web UI to input all build parameters.
- This leads to:
- No easy history of changes
- Segregation between Jenkins admins and developers
- Users (often developers) will have to contact a Jenkins administrator to make changes.
- Long lead time for changes
- Difficult to backup and restore (e.g. how to restore just one setting to how it was the day before).
- The solution is to completely write a job as code and save it in version control
- Version control (git) gives you a history and audit trail.
- Easy roll back to older versions of jobs and build instructions.
- Allows operations to give more control to the developers.
- Developers can bundle the jenkins build instructions with their own project repository. (e.g a. Jenkins File in their project directory)
- This is what a company that wants to embrace DevOps should do: allow developers to control their own builds.
- Two capabilities to enable Jenkins to be a true DevOps tool within your software organization:
- Jenkins Job DSL
- Jenkins Pipelines
- Jenkins Job DSL:-
-Write a code that creates and modifies jenkins jobs automatically
- Jenkins Pipeline (Jenkins File):-
- Bundle the build parameters within the project
- Allow developers to change jenkins build parameters
- Enable audit trial, history, rollbacks using version control
- Jenkins Job DSL plugin was designed to make it easier to manage jobs.
- If you don't have a lot of jobs, using the UI is the easiest way.
- When the jobs grow, maintaining becomes difficult and lot of work.
- Jenking Job DSL benefits:-
- Version control, history, audit log, easier job restore when something goes wrong.
install job DSL plug-in
Step01: Create new Freestyle job as "Seed_Job".
Step02: within seed job, under Build tab choose "Use provided DSL script".
Step03: Write DSL Script.
step1: create a job
step2: run ur current build
step3: add description in ur existing DSL Script
description('Test Automation for LeafTaps')
step4: run ur current build
step5: add source code management in ur existing DSL Script
description('Test Automation for LeafTaps')
git('https://github.com/GopinathJayakumar/ACMEBuild', 'master')
step6: run ur current build
step7: add build trigger configuration
description('Test Automation for LeafTaps')
git('https://github.com/GopinathJayakumar/ACMEBuild', 'master')
triggers {
scm('* * * * *')
step8: run ur current build
step9: add the steps - build execution setup
description('Test Automation for LeafTaps')
git('https://github.com/GopinathJayakumar/ACMEBuild', 'master')
triggers {
scm('* * * * *')
step10: run ur current build