This project assumes you are using Mac OS X with XCode and homebrew installed and configured correctly, but installation will comfortably work on other platforms with minor command alterations.
Lets first check your system is OK, running brew doctor will help you
brew doctor
This project requires Node.js to build and nginx to serve the application.
brew install node nginx
You'll need to install node package bower globally which is uses to maintain third-party component dependencies.
npm install --global bower protractor karma-cli
Assuming you have Node.js and bower installed you are ready to clone and install the project.
$ git clone [email protected]:agonzalezdiez/goteoAPIViz.git
$ cd ./goteoAPIViz
$ make setup
Now you have the application successfully installed, you want to make a change, right.
Run gulp, which will lint and pre-compile the application on file changes and make them available via localhost:3000:
$ make
There is a gulp task that will build the application for deploying on HTTP web servers run:
$ gulp build
Copyright 2015 Outliers Collective