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PostgreSQL PL pgSQL
GradedJestRisk edited this page Oct 20, 2024
1 revision
Official docs The best using of PL/pgSQL is like glue for SQL statements.
SQL is the language PostgreSQL and most other relational databases use as query language. It's portable and easy to learn. But every SQL statement must be executed individually by the database server. That means that your client application must send each query to the database server, wait for it to be processed, receive and process the results, do some computation, then send further queries to the server. All this incurs interprocess communication and will also incur network overhead if your client is on a different machine than the database server.
Do not use for:
- interactive application
- massive data manipulation in memory (eg. array) instead of DB tables
- I/O operations
- recursive calls
- call a function:
SELECT FUNCTION_NAME ( parameter_name : paramater_value);
- call a procedure:
CALL ( parameter_name : paramater_value);
DO $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'Hello, world' END $$;
DO $$ <<first_block>> DECLARE counter integer := 0; BEGIN counter := counter + 1; RAISE NOTICE 'The current value of counter is %', counter; END first_block $$;
CREATE PROCEDURE hello(name VARCHAR) LANGUAGE PLPGSQL AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'Hello %', name; END; $$; -- Execution: CALL hello('world');
CREATE PROCEDURE counter() LANGUAGE PLPGSQL AS $$ DECLARE counter integer := 0; BEGIN counter := counter + 1; RAISE NOTICE 'The current value of counter is %', counter; END; $$; -- Execution: CALL counter();
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS hello; CREATE FUNCTION hello( p_name TEXT) RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE PLPGSQL AS $$ DECLARE message TEXT; BEGIN message := 'Hello, ' || p_name; RETURN message; END; $$;-- Execution: SELECT hello(p_name := 'world');
PgTAP is an implementation of Test Anything Protocol (TAP) in PG/PL SQL
For best practises, look here
Create a database named sandbox
sudo mkdir /usr/pgsql_src wget http://api.pgxn.org/dist/pgtap/1.1.0/pgtap-1.1.0.zip unzip pgtap-1.1.0.zip && cd pgtap* make make installcheck PGUSER=postgres sudo make install
sudo cp sql/pgtap.sql `pg_config --sharedir`/contrib
Here, install in sandbox
psql -d sandbox -f `pg_config --sharedir`/contrib/pgtap.sql
Below you'll find a successful test execution. If you want to do TDD style, omit the test data, create test script, and start executing test.
Create test data: execute DDL on sandbox database
CREATE TABLE public.agents ( name text, id integer NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT agents_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT unique_name UNIQUE (name) ); CREATE INDEX idx_agents_name ON public.agents
Create test script in test.md
BEGIN; -- Start the transaction -- Plan count should match the number of tests. If it does -- not then pg_prove will fail the test SELECT plan(6); -- Run the tests. -- Columns SELECT columns_are('agents', ARRAY[ 'id', 'name' ]); SELECT col_type_is('agents', 'name', 'text', 'name column type is -- text' ); -- Keys SELECT has_pk('agents', 'Has a Primary Key' ); SELECT col_is_pk( 'agents', 'id', 'Column is Primary Key -- id' ); -- Indexes SELECT has_index( 'agents', 'idx_agents_name', 'name', 'Column has index -- name' ); -- Constraints SELECT col_is_unique( 'agents', 'name', 'Name columns has unique constraint' ); -- Finish the tests and clean up. SELECT * FROM finish(); ROLLBACK; -- We don’t commit the transaction, this means tests don’t change the database in anyway
Execute pg_prove --dbname sandbox test.md
You should get
test.md .. ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=6, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr 0.01 sys + 0.04 cusr 0.00 csys = 0.06 CPU) Result: PASS
CREATE sequence people_id_seq; CREATE TABLE people (id INTEGER DEFAULT NEXTVAL('people_id_seq'), full_name TEXT); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION capitalize_fullname() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $BODY$ BEGIN NEW.full_name := INITCAP( NEW.full_name ); RETURN NEW; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER capitalize_fullname BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON people FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE capitalize_fullname();
Test insert does not fail
SELECT lives_ok( 'INSERT INTO people (full_name) VALUES ($$abc$$)', 'Inserting to people should work, and not raise exception.' ); SELECT finish(); ROLLBACK;
Test data are correctly updated
BEGIN; SELECT plan(3); INSERT INTO people (full_name) VALUES ( 'abc' ); SELECT IS( full_name, 'Abc', 'Capitalization of >Abc<' ) FROM people WHERE id = currval( 'people_id_seq' ); INSERT INTO people (full_name) VALUES ( 'DEPESZ' ); SELECT IS( full_name, 'Depesz', 'Capitalization of >Depesz<' ) FROM people WHERE id = currval( 'people_id_seq' ); INSERT INTO people (full_name) VALUES ( 'HuBeRt dEPesZ LubaCZEWski' ); SELECT IS( full_name, 'Hubert Depesz Lubaczewski', 'Capitalization of >Hubert Depesz Lubaczewski<' ) FROM people WHERE id = currval( 'people_id_seq' ); SELECT finish(); ROLLBACK;
Failing test
BEGIN; SELECT plan(1); INSERT INTO people (full_name) VALUES ( 'Louis d''Orléans' ); -- IS (actual, expected, description) SELECT IS( full_name, 'Louis d''Orléans', 'Capitalization of >Louis d''Orléans<' ) FROM people WHERE id = urrval( 'people_id_seq' ); SELECT finish(); ROLLBACK;