- Development of Key It as an iPhone app
- Get Xcode 12
- Get the URL for the repository from Graeme Costin
- Use Xcode's Source Control to clone the repo from Github, and open the Xcode project
- The SQLite database that is included in recent Mac OSX systems is used. The Xcode project includes settings to use the bridge from Swift to C for source code that calls the C API of SQLite.
All interaction with SQLite is kept inside the file KITDAO.swift - the rest of the code is straight Swift code.
Comments about the software design are contained in comments in the source code.
There are two design documents that describe and give some details of the app design:
KIT Design Document.odt
KIT Design Document Popovers.ods
Owner of this Github repo is Graeme Costin - [email protected].
This app will be released as an open source freeware app provided by Wycliffe Bible Translators.