The GreyNoise Swimlane Integration is a set of tasks can be used in the Swimlane platform.
More details about Siemplify here:
In order to use the GreyNoise Integration for Swimlane, download the integration from Swimlane AppHub and upload the plugin to the system under Integrations -> Plugins.
Then, configure a GreyNoise Asset from Integrations -> Assets by entering a GreyNoise API key and using the Test Connection
button to validate it is working.
If you don't have a GreyNoise API key, you can sign up for a free trial at
The GreyNoise Tasks allow for IPs to be looked up in the different GreyNoise API endpoints and for a more complex GNQL query to be executed as part of a Case workflow.
The Quick IP Lookup action is designed to take all Address entities associated with a case/alert and enrich them against the GreyNoise Quick API.
The Context IP Lookup action is designed to take all Address entities associated with a case/alert and enrich them against the GreyNoise Context API. It also provides an Insight on the Case for each IP entity that is found.
The RIOT IP Lookup action is designed to take all Address entities associated with a case/alert and enrich them against the GreyNoise RIOT API. It also provides an Insight on the Case for each IP entity that is found.
Uses the above endpoints to do a combination lookup following the flow: RIOT -> Quick -> Context and provides the appropriate output based on where the IP was located
The Execute GNQL Query action is designed to perform a GNQL query against the GreyNoise query endpoint and return all matching records, up to the supplied limit (default is 10 results).
The Get Tags action is designed to query the GreyNoise Metadata API and retrieve all the tag information that is used for IP tagging.
The Get Tag Details action is designed to retrieve the metadata for a single GreyNoise tag.
The GreyNoise GNQL Query task with a defined trigger can be used to generate alerts from the GreyNoise data.
It is primarily designed to be an alerting system for when GreyNoise
begins observing mass-internet scanning activity of a monitored IP. The primary use case is to query daily for a CIDR
block, using a query similar to: ip: last_seen:1d
Using a query similar to the above, this would generate an alert for an IP in the provided range if GreyNoise observes the IP performing mass-internet scanning.
To configure this, create a GreyNoise Alerts
application in Swimlane, then add a GreyNoise Query
task that is
triggered to run once per day with the defined GNQL. The output of the task should use the Create New Record option
to create a new record for each IP returned from the query. These can then be triages as part of any standard alerting
In order to work on this integration, ensure that the Swimlane btb (bundle-toolbelt) is installed, and the btb-build docker container is running locally. To get the docker container:
docker run -p 15:22 swimlane/btb-build:latest
To build a new swimbundle/plugin file, run:
btb build greynoise/ --platform Linux
Enter 'build' when prompted
To rev the version of the integration, run:
btb bump greynoise/ patch --verbose
To add a new task to the integration, run:
btb enhance greynoise/
Select Clone Task from the menu
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We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Brad Chiappetta - Initial work - bradchiappetta
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- Thank you to the Swimlane Content team for their assistance in developing and testing this integration.
Have any questions or comments about GreyNoise? Contact us at [email protected]
Code released under MIT License.