The Marvel Yapily API extends the current Marvel API bringing support for fetching all Marvel characters and additional translation of the description of a single Marvel character.
Install Maven which can be found here:
Sign up for a free Marvel developer API key:
Sign up for a free Yandex developer API key:
Create a file in your local file structure named: api_key
Open the api_key file and add the following properties:
marvel.key.public = this_is_the_value_of_your_marvel_public_key
marvel.key.private = this_is_the_value_of_your_marvel_private_key
yandex.key = this_is_the_value_of_your_yandex_public_key
Change the 3 properties above to match your keys.
Edit the file inside the project and change the api.keys.location property to match the location of your api_key file
In order to build and run the project, navigate to its root folder and execute the following command:
mvn spring-boot:run
If you wish to run the test suite, navigate to its root folder and execute the following command:
mvn test
Rafael Franco