This library provides very easy and streamlined functionality for implementing different kinds of buffers in any system. A double buffer that is configurable for every step of the way is provided in this library.
All buffers are implemented in a threadsafe manner using the most efficient object-oriented implementation involving a lock and handle that only needs to be disposed after you're done. However, there is also a no-cost NoLock implementation that can be used as well if synchronization isn't a concern.
Here is an example of how simple it is to set up a double buffer. This creates a double buffer and a cancellation token source to define a runtime length of the program:
var db = new DoubleBuffer<object>(
new SystemThreadingLock(),
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(10_000);
This next part creates the long-running back buffer update thread where the back buffer is updated:
var bufferUpdateTask = new TaskFactory(TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, 0).StartNew(() =>
var token = cts.Token;
var writer = db.BackWriter;
while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
var obj = GetResult();
Finally, the portion of the program that reads the buffer until the task is over and it updates no more:
var reader = db.FrontReader;
while (!bufferUpdateTask.IsCompleted)
reader.ReadFrontBuffer(out var rsc, out var rscInfo).Dispose();
Console.WriteLine($"{rscInfo.Id:N0}: {rsc} : {rscInfo}");
That's all there is to creating a double buffer and using it at very performant speeds with minimal or no lock times.