Mirc has SBclient, but I hate using Mirc. I built a basic searchbot client for Hexchat, or really any IRC Client that can download from
- Launch the application using HexchatSBClient.exe
- Set Your Download Folder - Defaults to the User Download Folder - Just a text box for now because I have been lazy
- Hit the start button
- Filter Your Search results
- Copy Paste from the table into your IRC client
- Recieve files
- It scans your downloads folder for files following a naming convention of SearchBot_results_for_*.zip.
- it extracts all of the .txt results files. to the same folder
- it Searches for the SearchBot_results_for_*.txt files and loads them into memory
- If you enter something into the search box, it filters the results table to only show items containing the string you searched
- From there you can copy-paste into your irc client to download the files.