A framework for making grid-based Dungeon Crawler web games using Three.js.
- Provide a framework to make quick games for jams such as annual The Dungeon Crawlers Jam
- Be web/JavaScript-based
- Be easy to modify, easily extendable
- Satisfy the Definition of a "Dungeon Crawler", aka. DRPG, as outlined here: https://www.dungeoncrawlers.org/definition/
- First-person exploration
- Grid-based
- Instant step movement
- 90 degree turns
- Stats
- At least one character (perferrably allow for a "blob")
- An end-of-game mechanic, such as a death condition
- Combat or a similar mechanic for determining outcomes
Example: https://rocket-boots.github.io/dungeon-boots/
- Download the repo or git clone it
npm i
npm run serve
- Open in your browser (e.g.,
) - If you're making code changes, then build with
npm run watch
ornpm run build
Graphics from https://opengameart.org/content/dungeon-crawl-32x32-tiles-supplemental (https://github.com/crawl/tiles)