A set of useful middlewares for the Crow microframework.
Alias of RemoteIpGuard<allowed_ip_list, true>
A middleware that checks if the IP an incoming request comes from is in a comma-separated whitelist, and returns result code 403 Forbidden if it is not.
// Comma-separated list must be constant
const char allowed_ips[] = ",";
int main()
// Pass the comma-separated list as template argument
crow::App<crow::WhitelistIpGuard<allowed_ips>> app;
Alias of RemoteIpGuard<nullptr, true>
Useful if you want an instance of a WhitelistIpGuard
middleware that can have IP addresses added/removed in runtime.
int main()
crow::App<crow::DynamicWhitelistIpGuard> app;
// Get the instance of the DynamicWhitelistIpGuard middleware
crow::DynamicWhitelistIpGuard& ipGuard = app.get_middleware<crow::DynamicWhitelistIpGuard>();
// Remove any existing IPs from the whitelist
// Add IPs
// Check if IP is whitelisted
if (ipGuard.is_ip_allowed("")) {
// Remove IPs
// Add a set of ips to the whitelist
std::vector<std::string> ips = get_ips();
// Check if the whitelist is frozen
if (!ipGuard.is_frozen()) {
// Freeze the whitelist. Subsequent attempts to modify the whitelist will do nothing
// Will do nothing (except log with CROW_LOG_WARNING) since the whitelist was frozen above
, add_ips
, remove_ip
and clear_ips
invalidate currently held iterators, which are for allowing/denying requests, as such, they shouldn't be used after the Crow webapplication is run.
Alias of RemoteIpGuard<forbidden_ip_list, false>
A middleware that checks if the IP an incoming request comes from is in a comma-separated blacklist, and returns result code 403 Forbidden if it is.
// Comma-separated list must be constant
const char forbidden_ips[] = ",";
int main()
// Pass the comma-separated list as template argument
crow::App<crow::WhitelistIpGuard<forbidden_ips>> app;
Alias of DynamicBlacklistIpGuard<nullptr, false>
Useful if you want an instance of a BlacklistIpGuard
middleware that can have IP addresses added/removed in runtime.
int main()
crow::App<crow::DynamicBlacklistIpGuard> app;
// Get the instance of the DynamicBlacklistIpGuard middleware
crow::DynamicBlacklistIpGuard& ipGuard = app.get_middleware<crow::DynamicBlacklistIpGuard>();
// Remove any existing IPs from the blacklist
// Add IPs
// Check if IP is blacklisted
if (ipGuard.is_ip_forbidden("")) {
// Remove IPs
// Add a set of ips to the blacklist
std::vector<std::string> ips = get_ips();
// Check if the blacklist is frozen
if (!ipGuard.is_frozen()) {
// Freeze the blacklist. Subsequent attempts to modify the blacklist will do nothing
// Will do nothing (except log with CROW_LOG_WARNING) since the blacklist was frozen above
, add_ips
, remove_ip
and clear_ips
invalidate currently held iterators, which are used for allowing/denying requests, as such, they shouldn't be used after the Crow webapplication is run.