NeuralPi 1.1.0
NeuralPi 1.1.0 Release
New Features:
- Updated Elk OS VST3 to support controls over WiFi
- Model Selection, EQ, Gain/Volume controls over WiFi, with update GUI
- Installers for Mac/Windows
- Cmake integration
- update model scripts to add new models to the Raspberry Pi
Available formats (from installer):
-Windows 7 and up, 32-bit or 64-bit (Standalone, VST3)
-Mac 10.11 and up (Standalone, AU, VST3)
-Elk Audio OS (VST3)
Note: The contains the cross compiled VST3, model update scripts, and example elk configuration files.
Update (7/14/21) - has been added, containing 3 .stl files to create a 3-d printed case for NeuralPi.