Magic bitboard move generation, much better evaluation, check extensions and more.
New Features
- Magic bitboard movegen (#32)
- Tapered evaluation
- Passed pawn evaluation
- Enhanced mobility evaluation (weighting by piece type / game phase)
- Pawn structure hash table
- Check extensions
- Add support for the UCI
go movetime
- A bunch of C++ related optimizations (#33)
- Tons of code cleanups (#34)
- Bulk counting of leaf nodes when performing perft (#33)
- More informative
output - Remove broken backward pawn evaluation
- Remove all uses of C++ exceptions and compile with
- Improve debugging script
- Fix crash with negative perft value (#34)
MinGW Windows binaries are attached for 32 and 64 bit systems
SHA256 Sums:
8bc78d635f996516d46cc306eb475524486cfe5569d86f6c1b6bfef00484fe21 shallowblue_x86-64.exe
39817adecc38dc2645154e72a8ebf6cd7cd25ff91ea7073d67981062433dda08 shallowblue_x86.exe