🚲 Fast and easy drawing right inside your scene
✍️ Frame by frame animation
🧪 Great for prototyping
⚽ Draw physics objects, cool for e.g. quick level design
Shortcuts can be edited in project settings.
Use LMB to Draw and RMB to Erase with any tool. To reverse these you can toggle Erase Mode from the tool menu or by holding X, this is useful for drawing with a tablet.
Select Q
- Click and drag strokes to move them
- Click and drag stroke edges to warp them
Paint Brush B
Oval Brush O
- Draw from center ALT
- Uniform circles SHIFT
Rectangle Brush M
- Draw from center ALT
- Uniform squares SHIFT
Shape Brush Y
Fill Bucket G
Hold ALT for quick Color Picking
Hold CTRL for quick Fill Bucket
[ and ] to shrink/grow tool size.
You can setup the physics mode in the inspector.
It's recommended to interact with the Layers and Keyframe nodes from the Timeline panel, they are exposed so you can add any nodes to Keyframes.
BrushAnimations can have their own FPS, if left empty it will use the project default value.
Toggle onion skinning to see previews of next/previous frames.
A Keyframe holds a Brush drawing, and can be shown longer by adding more frames after it.
- Insert Frame 5
Insert Keyframe 6
Insert Blank Keyframe 7
- Remove Frame SHIFT+5
- Remove Keyframe SHIFT+6 / SHIFT+7
The 5 and SHIFT+5 shortcuts conflict with godot shortcuts, but these are so useless i recommend clearing the godot ones.
- Selections
- Transform
- Clear
- Copy/paste
- Allow filling holes between different colored strokes
- Layer tweening
- Moving frames by dragging them
- Rigid bodies
- Audio on frames
Lower priority:
- Scripts on frames
- Rectangle rounding
- Decouple editor and drawing tools to make in game editing easy to implement
- Soft bodies (?)
- 3D support (?)
- Sometimes mouse is hidden
- Erasing has some issues
- Can't warp holes
- Warping edges is glitchy