Follow the step by step to use Velocity with EaglerXVelocity.
I hope I made this idiot proof.
To make the codespaces, make sure to access from
Paste this command into the terminal and wait until its done installing then move on to the next step:
sudo apt update -y & sudo apt full-upgrade -y & sudo apt autoremove -y & sudo apt auto-clean -y
Paste this command into the terminal and move to next step after its done:
sudo apt upgrade -y
Copy and Paste this into the terminal and wait until it says "Do you want java 17.0.9-amzn to be set as default? (Y/n)"
sdk install java 17.0.9-amzn
and write "y" without the "" and MAKE SURE TO WRITE y
Paste this into the terminal then click enter:
cd server
chmod +x
cd /workspaces/EaglerXVelocity/velocity
chmod +x
cd /workspaces/EaglerXVelocity/limbo
chmod +x
cd /workspaces/EaglerXVelocity/
click on the plus 2 times, then go back to the first tab
Paste this into the first tab then click enter:
cd server
Paste this into the second tab then click enter:
cd velocity
Paste this into the third tab then click enter:
cd limbo
Go to where it says ports and click on it.
If you completed the steps above as intended then it should have 3 auto-forwarded ports, 8081, 25565, and 25577. Right click on 8081 then click port visibility, and click on public. Right click on 8081 again then on "Open In Browser" it should tell you the server ip.
1.) Go to
2.) then click the 3 dots and turn off
2.) Download a plugin of your choice(make sure it supports 1.8) go to your codespace server, open the "server" folder then drag (plugin).jar into the plugins folder inside the server folder.
3.) Type "restart" on the first tab. Type pl in the first tab and it should say Plugins(#) (plugin), if it doesn't then delete it from the plugins folder and repeat the process.