This is an adventure api providing a rest API for creating adventure ,give user option to go through it, set his choices and finally preview his selections.
The entire application can be containerized by the exisiting Dockerfile
file in the Api Folder.
you can run the Api by building docker image then run it , or by opening solution in visualstudio
`Api Contains three categories of endpoints:
-Just to simulate security in the api.
-And you have to use it at first step to generate token ,
then add that token to the request header [postman] or at swagger Authorize button.
-Which in normal case should not exposed as public endpoint as these endpoints developed for creating the adventure. -lease note, Create Adventure endpoint expected Array of string , which the adventure tree will be created based on it, so tree nodes text will get their values from this string array parameter.
-These end points are the actual function requirements, Which give the user ability to
-Start new adventure.
-Go to next step.
-And review his selections whenfinish.