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Installing FSL

Michelle Voss edited this page Oct 3, 2020 · 2 revisions

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Follow instructions here, for example for MacOSX

If you get errors in usage:

In June 2020, MV ran into this issue:

And these are commands used to fix it:

Open with this command in the terminal (sudo is giving you super permissions to edit really important files, so use sparingly): sudo pico /usr/local/fsl/etc/fslconf/

In pico or nano, use your cursor to move down to line 149 (in pico press ctrl +C to see the line numbers) Line 149 currently reads: dl_cmd_opts="--fail" Change it to: dl_cmd_opts="--fail -L"

In pico/nano press Ctrl + O to write out and save your changes, and then exit pico.

In the terminal then paste the following at the command prompt to re-install fslpython: sudo /usr/local/fsl/etc/fslconf/ -f /usr/local/fsl type bash at the terminal to reinstate fsl, and then type imglob to see if you now see imglob usage